Sunday was St. Patricks Day and we made sure to wear green to church.
Grams sat with me and my primary class. The boys were extra troublesome and I didn't get much of a lesson taught. We were talking about how we learn the Gospel little by little and I had brought some St. Patrick's Lego things to make. That seemed to be ok but it was really hard to get them back after that *sigh*. After church I made some Shepherd's pie in celebration of the holiday. It is one of my favorite dinners. There was an RS thing that day but I didn't go. There was a quote from it that has been getting a lot of backlash. It said that our church is a church where women have the most authority comapred to other churches. I think the quote was in bad taste. I think we don't have the most authority comparative to some churches and although I am not necessarily upset by that fact, I just don't understand the purpose behind saying otherwise.
Monday was Gram's last day with us. She didn't really want to do anything so I spent the day house cleaning. It had been a couple weeks since I had been able to really clean it, so it definitely needed it. Around dinner time I drove her to the airport. Thankfully there was no traffic and I got her there plenty early. It was sad to have her go, we have enjoyed our time with her. I made sure to get a pic of her with all the kids before she left. Of course Steven was chewing his food while I took it.

Tuesday my friends came over for lunch and there was a lot of tea to be spilled. A lot. One announced that she is getting a divorce, her kids don't know so I shall not name names but I wonder if she is being too rash. I know they have had issues but I don't know, it's a lot. Another friend has a woman that has been hitting on her husband and it all came to a head. I feel like the husband should have cut this lady off much sooner but I also feel like my friend kept giving him mixed signals about her acceptance of it all. I guess my mid-life crisis baby isn't that big of a deal in comparison to some of the drama with my friends. I actually feel like I have my crap together.
Tuesday afternoon Steven had a meeting with a counselor but it wasn't the meeting we thought it was. I thought we were going to be picking out his classes but it was the wrong counselor and it was sort of an awkward, not sure why we are meeting with you meeting. We have now arranged a meeting with the right counselor for next week. Getting Steven to decide on classes is going to be an ordeal so we shall see how that goes.
That night the girls had their last volleyball "game". It was parents and siblings vs kids. The games were at the same time so Tyler played with Lucy and Ben played with Penny. I stayed at home and enjoyed some Ruby time but it sounded like they had fun.
Wednesday the kids really got into making a perler bead Easter kit that grams gave them. They neglected their school work more than they should have in favor of making it. They were determined to finish it before my brother's family does (they have the same one). They ended up getting it all done Saturday. I think they won?
That evening we had the joy of having Steven take everyone to their church activities. It was just Ruby, Tyler and me at home. It could've been a nice night for us but he had some lady come over to work on neighborhood treasurer stuff- lame.
Thursday was a busy day. I spent the morning cleaning out the kids' rooms. They always mantain a very low level of cleanliness that can only be tolerated for so long before I need to get in there. Under their beds is especially troublesome. Steven still had two bags full of Halloween candy under his bed that I ended up just tossing. He didn't even seem to care. Weirdo. After the clean out, I dropped off some donations to Salvation Army and then did some shopping with Ruby for a few things that kids needed.
Steven had his Archery Banquet that evening. Steven, Tyler, Ruby and I went. The middle 3 all stayed at home. Tyler was an assistant coach throughout most of the season so he knew quite a few people but we still ended up sitting by a family we didn't know. They had a 7th grader so they didn't seem super interested in making friends with us. That's ok because Ruby was a massive wiggly worm so she kept us all busy for most of it. The food was nothing special- pasta, fried chicken, salad and cake. After the dinner portion they called up each grade level and passed out certificates and trophies. Trophies were given out at each grade level for boys and girls with the highest scores in 3D and Bullseye. Funny enough Steven was the only boy so he got both awards. But I think they were well earned because his scores were still good. He got a 242 in Bullseye and a 260 in 3D. Considering he started off with scores of 200, I would say he improved. After the kids awards were given, they handed out thank you gifts for Booster Club and Coaches. Tyler got to go up and be recognized. They called him Beanie because he was always wearing a beanie during practices and they were impressed that he would still come and help even though he has 5 kids and a wife that travels. Yes, they said a wife that travels, even though I only traveled once. They were nice and gave him a $100 Visa giftcard as a thank you. Then it was over, thankfully, because keeping Ruby off the school floors felt a lot like being stuck on a plane. She likes her floor time.

Friday brought too much snow for March. Isn't March supposed to start out like a lion and go out like a lamb? I feel like we should be in lamb territory now. With the snow I decided not to leave the house which was a good thing because me, trying to be funny for Ruby, attached a fidget spinner to my head and then got this super embarrassing bruise :/ Apparently I don't have fancy enough makeup to cover it.

Saturday morning I took the middle 3 to the Ward Easter Egg Hunt. I really didn't want to go but I gave Tyler the option between staying home with napping Ruby or taking the kids and he chose staying home. He should have gone because all my friends sent their husbands and the only other mom there was Chalsea so that was lame. But I guess I did have the Primary Presidency to chat with. They started the activity with a very long telling of the Easter story, then there was breakfast and then the hunt. I ended up chatting during the hunt with Sis Love. Her oldest used to cut Lucy's hair and sounds like she is really struggling to figure out her life right now. I feel bad for her. After the activity I ran a few errands with Miss Penny, went out to dinner with Tyler and then had a girl's night with my friends. Dinner with Tyler was good. Delicious food and we had a good discussion about church things- miracles mostly. Mostly that discussion arose from his sister in law who seems to not quite understand how God works. The girls' night was less great. Grace and Melissa's daughters joined us and I don't really love that. There are things that they have no business hearing but also they are kind of mean girls. And during the night I tried to talk some sense into Melissa who is thinking about adpoting her niece's baby. I am just not sure with all her health issues this is a good idea for her. And her reasons for doing it don't settle well. Anyways I ended up leaving that night feeling pretty disgruntled with my friends to be honest. Sometimes they are kind of obnoxious.
So to end this post on a better note, here is adorable Ruby. She has been less smiley for strangers lately but she sure can stare them down ;)
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