Late Monday night Mariah and her family arrived at our house. This is the first time ever that a sibling of Tyler's had visited us here in Michigan- we've been here 8 years. Tuesday morning we took them on a walk to Scarlet's Park. Jeff was very excited by the grass- apparently the grass in Missouri isn't that pretty. He even had to call his dad to tell him about it. Lol. The kids had a good time playing, mostly. Penny kept feeling like she was being left out by Lucy and Jessie. I guess she was just emotional that morning. And Ben was really sweet and looked after Red while we were there. After awhile he said he was ready to go home because Red was exhausting "he keeps endangering his life." Ben's a good kid. He'll make a good parents someday.
After the park we had some lunch and then after all the kids had some time to relax from our morning adventure we went to Spicer Orchard. Tyler took a half day at work so he was able to come with us. The plan had been to pick apples but when we got there it was raining so that put a wrench in things. We spent some time in the shop instead browsing all the yummy things and buying yummy things too. Then we went outside and sat under the ramada to eat our yummy things. The weather eventually cleared and we decided we would go take a hayride. Red had expressed that the hayride made him nervous so his parents were determined that he face his fears. He did face them and with no issues because Uncle Tyler kept him safe :). The apples were super pricey to pick so instead we picked raspberries- only $5 a carton vs $22 a peck. Also I had just bought apples at Costco so we didn't really need any. There were a lot of fresh raspberries to pick. I was surprised because I thought they were more of a summer thing. All in all a good outing.

After the orchard we had some spaghetti for dinner and got the kids to bed. Then Tyler played a video game while Jeff and Mariah watched him because apparently they enjoy watching others play video games. I'm glad somebody appreciates his video game playing habit. I do not enjoy watching or playing. It was too violent for me.
Wednesday morning I took Mariah's family to the farm at Kensington. They had a good time seeing all the animals-pigs, sheep, goats, cows, donkeys, chickens...Mariah liked reading all the plaques, she's smarter than she let's on. She also has been teaching her kids about mammals so she had fun facts to share. Then while she was nursing Wesley we walked down to the lake and threw rocks in it. I think they especially liked that part. After that Mariah chased the kids around the field and wore them out nice and good. It was time to go home and eat some lunch.

While we had lunch and rested up, Jeff went to check out a hospital in Warren that he might do his residency at. The other hospital he is looking into is in Grand Blanc (also in MI). There is a strong possibility they will be moving to Michigan summer 2023, pretty much a 99% chance. It will be crazy to have famiy in the same state as us after 8 years on our own. Tyler took a half day again and when he finished work, he took Mariah shooting while I watched the kids. Wesley decided not to take a nap while she was away but I managed to keep him happy by letting him bang on the piano keys. Later, Mariah, Jeff, Tyler and Wesley went to watch Steven play at his tennis match. He did not win but I think he was pretty happy to have all the support. Afterwards they all went out to eat. Meanwhile I was the babysitter again. We had fun eating hot dogs (I used the spoon as a plane method to get Red to eat, he thought I was funny). Then we had a sword fight outside (Red had extreme accuracy and kept hitting Ben's fingers). Next we took a walk in which all sticks were a huge distractment. I remember that used to drive me crazy when my kids were little but now I kind of loved it. I miss little ones. Then we went home, cleaned up and watched a Barbie movie. I was glad I could help by babysitting and give them all some bonding time.
Thursday morning they had to head back to Missouri and it was back to real life for us. I had a home to clean up and some errands to run, the kids were lacking winter clothing. Then it was our busy afternoon/evening of soccer practices. But really not super busy because when I take the girls to pratice I get my chill time while they play. This time I spent my time trying to plan the traditional trip to Legoland with the grandparents for Penny and Lillian. It took several more days to get that all planned out and some frustrations with flights selling out as I tried to book them but now that it's done I am excited. This time they will be going to the Legoland in Florida and we will be spending one night at an airbnb within walking distance to the beach.
Friday morning we had seminary at our house for the only time that week (there was no school Mon and Tues, Wed was an area wide Zoom and Thurs the Bloomfield's taught). During Seminary Tyler made a comment about my lack of ability to play sports and I regretably added "yeah, balls were always attracted to my face". Of course David has a mind in the gutter just like his mother and had to work to keep it together. I just refused to look at any of them. You should really never say the word "balls" in a room full of teens. Ughhhhh.
Friday the younger 3 had to work hard to catch up on the work they missed while Mariah's family was in town. Once they finished, we had Peter and Andrea over to play. It's always nice when they are over because my children are entertained and so I can get things done. I had a few more winter clothing errands to run (don't worry Tyler was at home in the basement so the kids weren't home alone) and then I baked a bunch of cookies. The youth were having a get together to eat lunch and then watch conference at the Bloomfield's house and I was asked to send something sweet with them.
Saturday was busy. The girl's had a soccer game in the morning- Tyler took them. They won! Then I took the boys to the Bloomfield's house for the General Conference get together. I had to pick up Ben early so he could get to his soccer game. I listened to the rest of conference in the car while his team warmed up. Then I went out to watch the game. Our Bishop came to watch him as well and that was nice. I think Bishop was really disappointed it was me there and not Tyler but I tried not to be too awkward. Bishop is super intense about soccer but this is a rec league so he was less intense, lol. He did try to shout directions to Ben a couple times but Ben never could hear him. There were some parents out there who were so intense. Cursing when kids didn't take shots or stupid moves happened. It's just a game people. They ended up tying 1-1. After soccer it was another session of General Conference. David had been over between sessions hanging with Steven and ended up watching the session with us. I think it was good he was there because I started getting super sleepy but there was no way I was taking a nap with my seminary student there, ha ha.
Saturday evening we went to the Eakins house for a game night, just adults. The game we ended up playing was pretty lame and it wasn't my most fun night out. Probably my consequence for missing the evening Saturday session. But I am planning on watching it today- we always have to get in all the sessions for a seminary review.
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