Sunday, September 25, 2022


 After getting school work and chores done on Monday, I took the younger 3 to Long's Farm to get some doughnuts and cider. As per tradition the kids measured themselves and sat on the giant rocking chair. We decided not to eat there because the bees always come at us in full force. The doughtnuts were still nice and warm when we got home and I may or may not eaten more than my share...

That night I was in charge of getting all the kids to their soccer practices so Tyler could go the High School's Curriculum night. He is very interested in what the teachers are teaching Steven, especially since one of Steven's teachers asked all the students what pronouns they go by. He feels 2 of Steven's teachers might be pretty liberal but he's less worried about the rest. We shall see. 

Tuesday I had my annual check up and I may have overshared, I just feel so comfortable with my doctor that sometimes I share more info than I need too. Our convesation started with me sharing about my finger that I slammed in the door and I asked her if she had a cure for clumsiness. She came back with she wish she did because she recently tripped in a plane and got a concussion. I told her about my bowl issues and my "poop contractions" (maybe TMI with the contractions part?) and my lack of self control with food and she prescribed me a pill that can help with IBS. I really hope it does because these tummy issues are getting old. She also prescribed me some cream for my achey joints. I hope it helps.

After school on Tuesday the girls were invited to a birthday party at a park near their school. Since it would be too much gas to go home, I just took all the kids to hang out at the park. The Mays were there too and Steven had a half day, so he came as well to hang with David. It was nice to chat with Caroline but I didn't want to stay too long. I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. However, the party got a late start and then they did a long nature walk and then my kids couldn't leave without cupackes and then Lucy didn't want to leave until her gift was opened. Ugh. The birthday girl was being really annoying about opening gifts- opening them slowly and complaining that everyone was trying to rush her. I eventually got frustrated and made the girls leave. I had already stayed longer than planned. 

Wednesday Steven had a tennis match. I was going to stay and watch but he told me he would be playing in the second group so I left. But when I got home he text me that he was in the first group. So I ended up not going to see him play. Then he texts me that the match is done which was not cool. He was supposed to give me a 20 minute warning. I got in trouble for picking him up late. As I left to pick him, my car flashed a check engine light and then wouldn't shift gears. That sent my anxiety spiraling so I took Tyler's car instead. When I got home Tyler checked the car and said the light was gone and everything seems fine. I don't know why it's problems never show themselves to Tyler but now I have trust issues with my car again. I really hope getting the engine fixed was not a waste of money.

Because of Wednesdays fiasco with getting Steven from tennis, I was desperate to get Steven a ride to and from his match the next day. I decided to reach out to the moms I met at the intial tennis parent meeting. The one mom was no help but the other mom was a gem. She not only offered to take him there but arranged for another mom to take him home. I feel so grateful. It was nice to not have to worry about his pick up and if it would interfere with soccer pick ups and practices. I really cannot wait for this tennis season to be over. But I am also worried about Steven becoming a slug once it is....

Friday Ben had his check up with the doctor. He is a nice healthy boy and did really well with his shots. I think he is finally growing out of his intense fear of them. The doctor did mention that he has a slight curve in his spine and that planks could help with that. Hopefully it doesn't become worse as he grows. He is also in the 10th percentile for weight which she said not to worry about but boy do I make skinny kids.

Saturday morning Ben and the girls had soccer games. I went to the girl's game and Tyler went to Ben's game. The weather was awful. Rainy and in the low 50's. I had my chair with the shade to protect from the rain and 2 jackets and a blanket and I still felt cold. I need this to be just a phase. I am not ready for the cold yet. Anyways the girls lost 0-2 but their team played well. Penny took a soccer ball in her face and that was a bit traumatic but I was proud of her for not totally melting down and for getting back out there. Ben also lost his game 2-5. I am not sure what is going on with his team. They only lost once last year and now they have already lost twice. 

Saturday evening Tyler and Ben went to a professional soccer game in Detroit with his soccer team. However, Ben's team apparently sat by a crowd that was shouting all sorts of rude obscentities and Ben got really upset so Tyler and Ben moved somewhere else. Although he ended up not having bonding time with his team, I think they still had a good time. Tyler got Ben a scarf to help remember the occasion with.

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