Sunday, October 23, 2022

Snow, A Painting, A Walk, Soccer

Monday morning was quite infuriating. On the way to school I had an argument with one of my seminary students. She was saying all people from the South were weird and she would never want to live there and they have a terrible govt- especially the people in FL and TX. I said that wasn't very nice and she kept pushing it. It bothers me because she is so about not bullying and being kind...except when it's people that don't share her idealogy. When I tried to hold her accountable for the mean things she was saying, she said I shouldn't take it so personally and that she was only joking. Argh. It left me feeling frustrated and anxious.

Monday itself was very Monday- it was cold and rainy. I am struggling to drive in the dark and rain these days- the glare from headlights is making it real hard for me to see properly. Is the a sign of getting old? The rain ended up getting both the girls and Ben's soccer practices cancelled so that was a relief. No need to drive dangerously. Although I did miss my quiet time in the Milford library.

Tuesday morning I met Stefanie for breakfast. I think we're going to make this a monthly tradition. It was nice to catch up, although I always feel like I can't articulate my thoughts and end up sounding like a weirdo. I am surprised she's still my friend. I mentioned that I feel like I should probably start working again with the way life is getting so expensive and she started listing off all these ideas for me to make money. I realized she definitely has one of those personalities that likes to try to find a solution to every problem. Idk. I look at jobs and just can't imagine working again. My pattriarchal blessings says I should find a vocation that helps Heavenly Father's children. Obviously teaching was that thing once upon a time but sometimes I wonder if there is still another vocation out there for me. 

Wednesday night we had Steven's Tennis Banquet. I think he had a good time but it was awful for me. Literally everyone there knew each other and were all chatting and having a good time. Tyler and I sat at a table in a corner by our lonesome. I keep wondering how they all made friends and why I never seemed able to. I really did try. Maybe these parents have all known each other from elementary school? I just feel anxious thinking about feeling this left out for another 3 years. I want Steven to stick with it but I just hate feeling so out of place. Anyways, the coach gave everyone a certificate and a compliment. She complimented him on his improvements. I am not sure I saw it, lol, but I am glad she did. He did not win any of the awards handed out but I think he should have got an award for sticking with it ;).

Thursday was a day with no set plans that once again filled up. I vacuumed the car, cleaned up some of the trash the kids left in our yard, prepared dinner, did the laundry and then painted over the picture in our living room. I spent basically the rest of the day working on the painting. I think I like the end product but I really wish I could take some art classes so I could learn some new techniques. 

Also Thursday, we got out first snow fall of the season. It is WAY too early for snow and I am worried for what this means for our winter. Tne snow stopped by evening so Ben still had soccer practice but the girl's coach felt it was too cold for practice so he cancelled.

Friday the weather warmed up. It was magnificent! We went on a nature walk at Proud Lake with our friends. The weather was seriously perfect and we came across some snakes and a frog. The kids also had fun throwing sticks in the water- much to the dismay of an elderly gentleman who reprimanded them. It just sticks in water for Pete's Sake.

Saturday morning the girls had their last soccer game. They won 3-2. It was a good comeback game. Penny is still scared of the ball but did kick it once. And Lucy seems to do really well playing defense. 

After the girl's soccer game we rushed over to Ben's soccer game. His team lost 0 to 3. I'm not sure what happened this season- if it's the players that left, the new coach...but the team just struggled and didn't seem to be "in" the games for the win. Ben also didn't get much playtime at all which was a bummer. I made both games a family event and the girls were super wiggly during Ben's game and Steven was full of negative commnets and it made me realize why we don't normally attend as a family.

After the soccer games the girls had seperate birthday parties to go to. Lucy went to Angelica's party which was at an escape room. They apparently did not succeed at escaping and had to "walk the plank" when it was over. She said it involved a lot of thinking but still seemed to enjoy it. 

Penny's birthday party was for Maya, a girl from church, and was at a park that was near the Escape Room. Tyler had dropped Penny off there and then I drove over to meet her. The dad of the girl is a single dad and he had a ton of people there that I did not know. I felt super out of place so I just let Penny know that I was there and went into my car and planned seminary lessons. 

After the Escape Room, Lucy went to the same park we were at for pizza and cake. Only the park had several playgrounds and they were at a different one just over the hill. Penny and I walked over to it after I emerged from hiding out in my car. I ended up staying at the other playground while Penny traveled back and forth. I much preferred the company of the small group of parents at Lucy's friend's party.

When both parties ended, we all went home and I tried to finish up laundry and other things while the boys had friends over. It was such a long day but I am grateful for all the outside time I got on such a beautiful day.

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