Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pumpkins, Trunk or Treat

 After church on Sunday I made the kids take a walk in the woods across the street to take a family picture. The fall colors have been so pretty and the weather was perfect, so since I am not paying for pics this year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to capture a photo. No one was super happy about it so I tried to bribe them with tickets (our current award system). Steven pretty much grumbled the whole time (sort of his thing anyways) and Tyler grumbled about having to set up the phone for a pic but the rest of the kids did great and we got a semi decent pic out of it, just got to zoom in a bit.

Sunday evening we carved pumpkins. Dad was the cutter and I was the scooper. It's always a lot more work for us than them but I think the whining was relatively low for once. Steven made a fun pumpkin house that both guinea pigs got to try out. Mariah enjoyed eating the pumpkin. 

Monday was busy with homeschooling, house cleaning and running a few errands. That evening Ben had a soccer scrimmage with the parents. Tyler was proud of himself for scoring two goals against the kids ;)

Tuesday morning seminary was a bit frustrating. I had the teens build towers for a watchmen (talking about Ezekiel's call to be a prophet). I thought this would be a much needed fun activity since they were all so quiet and sleepy Monday but somehow the building of towers became controversial. There were: terrorists, feminist towers, safe space towers, inclusive towers, a "furry" Lego minifigure. Ugh. It was so hard to get them back on topic and off their controversial subjects. Left me feeling blah.

Tuesday while the kids were at school I went to my friend (from Bunco) Debbie's house to learn how to do pour paint art. It was nice to take one of my days without kids and use it to do something fun. We painted until 1pm. First we did one where we filled up a cup of paint and then turned it upside down on an old record. Then we made lines of paint on a canvas and blew them out with a blow dryer. Our last art fun was covering a canvas with paint splotches and then rolling marbles on the paint to spread it around. When we finished painting, we grabbed a chicken dinner at Holden's and ate it at Kensington Park. The weather was beautiful and the view was gorgeous and it was a nice conversation. Now I need some money so I can buy the pour art paint supplies and do it on my own too. I am not nearly as talented as my friend Debbie is but I do love making art. It's therapeutic

Wednesday night the Deacon's came to our house for an activity so Lucy helped me make chocolate chip cookies for them. She is such a messy baker and I am not very good at being patient with her. I worry that all my kids will all hate baking because all they will remember is me being frustrated with them. The Deacon's played ghost tag for the activity... I think. All I know is they spent most of the night outside which was fine by me. They are a noisy crew.

Thursday night Ben had his last soccer practice. Their last game is on Sunday so he wouldn't be attending it. That meant that this was his last time with his team for the season. The Coach was nice enough to tell the team so they could say goodbye and they all started cheering "Ben! Ben!" and put him up on their shoulders and then apparently proceeded to drop him. Lol. Even though they dropped him, I think he still felt pretty special which is cool since he is not exactly a star player.

Friday the girls and I had fun making a Halloween punch game for the Ward Trunk or Treat. We got a bunch of cups, filled them with candy and prizes, used rubberband to put white tissue paper on top of the cup and then Lucy drew ghost faces on the tissue paper. Ben helped me with the last step which involved attaching the cups to a board with hot glue. So in order to get candy from us, kids would have to punch through the tissue paper on the cups. Lucy and Penny enjoyed getting in touch with their creative side and it was a good way to pass an afternoon- I just wish I had taken a picture before all the cups got punched (and had started falling off). 

When we finished making our punch game, I had to run a quick errand and Ben tagged along. After the errand we decided to stop at an exotic bird store that I discovered was close by. Oh my goodness it was the coolest store ever (and loudest). So many birds and they were all so fun and playful. They were nibbling at the bars and squawking at us. There was also one in the back we could hear crying and whining- I'm guessing it was getting it's wings clipped or beak trimmed or something unenjoyable. I wanted to buy all the birds but they ranged from $250- $4000. Just a bit pricey. While there I talked to the owner about breeding parakeets and he implied it was super simple. Maybe I will get brave and do it soon.

Trunk or Treat that night was all right. I really hate big group stuff and half my friends sat at another table which was lame and then they all took forever to get in line for food so I was mostly eating on my own. We had invited Cherish and her girls to come and it was nice when she got there because than I had buddy but she was like 50 mins late. Her girls had a few dramatic moments over broken prizes and necklaces but overall I think they had a good time. I enjoyed manning the punch game and I think kids enjoyed having the opportunity to punch something. It was defintely a cold night but I was warm enough in my layers so that's a positive.

Saturday soccer was over so we had a nice, lazy morning. At lunchtime we went and did Trucks and Treat at the library. It was slightly disappointing. There were only like 5 trucks. It was good we got there early so we didn't have to wait in the huge line that formed just to see a few trucks. We were done in like 15 minutes. It was a nice, little outing. As we were leaving I saw Chalsea and her kids. They were all pointing me out to here and she quickly turned away. I waved and smiled at her kids because I have no reason to be rude to them. I am so over this cold shoulder treatment. It's been a year and I still have no idea what I did to make her hate me so,

Saturday afternoon Tyler and I went to the temple. I have been feeling anxious again at the temple. I can never get my headband on quite right and I keep forgetting words that I am supposed to say so that only makes me more anxious for the next time *sigh* I just need to get there more often so I can get back in the flow again. After the temple we got dinner and strolled Target. It was a good Saturday date. When we came home, we watched "Hocus Pocus 2" with the kids. I think the best part was the scene while they were at Walgreens. The rest of the movie was meh. 

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