Sunday, October 16, 2022

Northville Skeletons, Pumpkin Head Pics

Monday the kids were itching to do something so after they finished their work we took a brisk bike ride to 7-11, it's getting cold here. There they paid for their own candy and Penny came up 3 cents short and I of course had no change, just a credit card. I felt embarassed but the cashier was nice and said not to worry about it. When we got back home I took all 3 kids with me to run a few errands- Target, Meijer's and Kroger's. It reminded me why I don't shop with all of them any more. Even as old as they are, they can be a lot to take out shopping. Monday evening was soccer practice as per usual, just one more week and that will come to an end. Which is good because as mentioned before, it is getting COLD!

Tuesday night was Bunco. It was a costume party so I pulled out my cactus costume. I look like a Jolly Green Giant in that group. Bunch of shorties. There were a couple prizes I REALLY wanted that night so of course I had an average score in the end and the prizes I wanted got taken first. I ended up with cloth napkins and ghost salt and pepper shakers- meh. The hosts lately have had prizes for everyone and I am not sure how I feel about that. It's nice that everyone gets something but I am pretty sure they are spending their own money to make that happen and I just can't do that when it's my turn. The bar has been set too high lately.

Wednesday afternoon Penny had her annual check up. The doctor said that she had a slight curve in her spine. She also said that about Ben and me so I am not sure what to think. A part of me is super anxious because she is so young so it has time to get worse. The other part thinks if me and Ben are fine, maybe she'll be ok too? The anxious part of me is the one who talked to the doctor. We ended up setting up another visit in 6 months and depending how Penny's back looks, we might try physical therapy. Maybe it's overboard, I don't know. I guess time will tell. 

Thursday while the kids were in school I ran a few errands, including getting paint for the kitchen cabinets. They keep chipping by the knobs and so I keep having to refresh the paint. I asked the worker what I could do to help prevent chipping. She said I could use a sealant but then I would have to do the whole cabinet door. Sounds like a lot of work so I guess I will just keep fixing the chips. I also finished getting and making some things for the kid's costumes this year. I did such a good job on Steven's shirt that he thought I had bought it. I meean he's also a teen who doesn't look at things too hard but I'll take the compliment.

Thursday evening was soccer. On my way to drop the girls off to practice I dropped by a little birthday gift for one of my Bunco friends. She had really wanted one of the prizes from Bunco Tues night but hadn't gotten it (just like me). When I saw it at Target, I knew I needed to get it for her. It felt nice to give a succesful birthday gift- my gift giving skills are sub par. After their practice we decided to stop at the candy shop in town, they have been dying to visit it. I regret going there. It was a mess, boxes of candy on the floor, stuffies in piles on the floor and then there was this group of very suspicious teens miling in and out and very much appearing to be stealing. When they left, the lady followed us around like we might be similar suspects. Nope. I feel no desire to return there.

Friday, after Steven got home from school, we met the May family in Northville for our annual visit to the skeletons. It was a good time, they always have more fun when friends join us. Lots of photo ops, a fun game of Jenga and cornhole toss, a quick stop at a candy store (a much nicer one than the one in Milford), and play time at a nearby park.

Saturday morning was another chilly soccer game for the girls. I attempted to dress warmly but still felt cold. I don't know how they stand playing in that cold. Penny still avoids the ball and Lucy is hit or miss with her skills but they both enjoy it so that's what is important. I ended up sitting by Ben's Kinder teacher and her giant family, she's a character, but at least I wasn't on my own. Sometimes it really stinks to be the only one cheering my kids on. 

In the afternoon I went to Ben's soccer game and his friend Andrea joined me. This was a rough game. They were playing a team they had played before and this team plays really mean. The frustrating thing was that the ref didn't call the fouls that the other team was clearly committing (pushing is not allowed in soccer). Ben's team ended up losing 3 to 5. It was fun to have Andrea with me but the game itself was hard to watch. And the parents and their angry yelling was not fun either. After the game Ben went with Andrea and AJ to carve pumpkins and take some fun pictures. Caroline got all the supplies and took the pictures, she's a fun mom. She even got a fake pumpkin for Ben to carve so he wouldn't have to put a real one on his head, he was super anxious about that. Here are the results:

While he was partying I had Caroline's other 3 kids. I took them plus my younger 3 to our neighborhood Halloween party. We were super late because of Ben's soccer game so we only caught the tail end of the party but that did include the pinata which made the younger kids happy.

Later that night Steven had plans with his friend Adam to go see a spooky neighborhood but he was such a butt head about it. I wish the mom would stop contacting me and the boys could just be the one to figure things out. He complained that he didn't want to be out late because he was tired and felt sick and that he hated Halloween. SO many lies. He tried to pretend he was asleep so he wouldn't have to go. The whole thing was such a frustrating ordeal but he ended up going (with tears in his eyes) and I think it wasn't as awful as he thought. 

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