Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Sunday evening we had Smores. We were going to have smores with Mariah's family but it just never worked out. So this was our makeup date because the kids must have their smores. I had bought the giant marshmallows and boy did we all make a mess of our faces with them. Penny and Lucy also turned a couple marshmallows into flames and found that slightly tragic.

Monday morning in seminary we had a student comment that men are unneeded. Tyler didn't appreciate that and said that was sexist. The student said men don't experience sexism. Ummm...actually they do...we cut off the conversation there but we heard later from a mom, that her kid was super offended by the comment of men being unneeded. I mean, understandable. Tyler decided to spend Tuesday talking about seeing where others are coming from, respecting others and agreeing to disagree and that sort of thing. I don't think it phased either of them. She still makes offensive comments and he still gets upset by her comments. *sigh*

Monday afternoon Steven had his final tennis match in Plymouth. I was grateful it was on a day I didn't have to pick up the other kids from school so it wasn't stressful to get him there. I was also really grateful it was his last one...Tennis has been good for Steven. It has gotten him out of the house, out of his comfort zone and meeting new people. But man, the getting him to and from places was challenging. Anyways, he played 2 matches that afternoon with his usual partner, Gabe. The first one they were super close to winning but ended up losing 6-8. After that he was complaining that he was tired and everything hurt and I think he just kind of gave up. They lost the next match 1-8. The drive home was more eventful than I would have liked. Stupid Google (Google has not been clear at freeway junctions lately) led me astray and I ended up on the wrong freeway which of course was under construction so I was stuck on it, in heavy traffic for 3.5 miles before I could get off and turn around. It ended up being like a 20 minute detour. What made it worse was that I was taking one of Steven's teammates home too so I felt super embarrased for my mistake. When I got him home, his mom came out to say thank you and I ended up word vomitting on her about my stupid detour and all the things- I'm a little much sometimes. After dropping the teammate off, I decided we should have a Subway "date" to help calm my frazzled nerves from the drive. It did help.

Tuesday for the first time in awhile we had nothing going on in the afternoon/evening and that was nice. The girls had just finished the first book in "Lemony Snicket's, A Series of Unfortunate Events" so we decided to watch the first episode in the Netflix series of this book. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I spent a lot of time messaging a friend from high school in What'sApp. It was a draining conversation. She feels betrayed by her blind obedience of the prophet during covid (she lost friends) and she also read something that basically disproved the book of mormon but she says was written by a church historian. So essentially she is having a crisis of faith. I finally got to where as Tyler had talked about, I had to just agree to disagree. It was disheartening. She really has a lot of bad feelings attached to the church but she says she's not going to leave it so...IDK.

Wednesday Steven had no school so there was no seminary. He wanted his buddy over so after the other kids finished their schoolwork we had all the May kids over for the afternoon. It makes for a noisy house but I don't mind too much because they keep my kids entertained. That evening we had all their activities at the church which was so refreshing. I love the convenience and I love that I get to hang out with my friends while I wait. I had a good conversation with Caroline about what I had been talking to my high school friend about. It helped kind of sooth some of my anxiety that had been stirred up in the conversations and reassured my own feeling in the Gospel.

Thursday I had lunch with Caroline, Grace and Melissa. Melissa hosted and fed us, that was nice. I think I am next on the docket to host and feed but I have no idea what to cook for my gluten free, low carb, low sugar friends. They are much too healthy for me. When we finished eating we sat out on her deck and chatted, the weather was so nice. I will say my friends shared a lot more details of their married life than I might want to know. 

Thursday after dinner I took the girls to their soccer practice and had my quiet, library time reading up on Jeremiah for seminary next week. I really love my library time, it makes the drive to practice worth it. It's too bad we don't live by the Milford library anymore. It seems so much quieter than ours and it has such a pretty view of the woods that ours doesn't have.

Friday morning for seminary one of our students, for the umpteenth time shared too much info about her parents divorce. I feel bad for her because I know it is a fresh wound that she is coming to terms with but I got a text from someone complaining that the kids are getting tired of this student oversharing. I don't know what this parent wants me to do about it. I'm not sure there is a nice way to tell someone to stop oversharing. 

After seminary it was a nice chill day. We did school work and then the kids and I walked to the library (pic below). After the library we went and got doughnuts at Longs Farm because I am addicted and that was our day. I had a seminary student playing in marching band at night that I thought about going to see but ugh, I'm such a homebody at night. I keep feeling like I need to be more supportive of my seminary students but am struggling with the carry through. 

Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game. It was in the 40's so I bundled up good and didn't freeze too bad while watching. It did leave me feeling bummed that the cold is settling in though. I want some more of the beautiful 70's and I'll even take the 60's. Anyways, the girl's team won 2-0- yay! The rest of our Saturday was fairly uneventful. I read an entire book, planned my seminary lessons and made some playdough. That evening Tyler and I went out to dinner at a new place- Billy Tip'n Inn. It had really good bread so that's a winner to me. It also wasn't super crowded and the service was fast- big plus these days.

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