Saturday, November 5, 2022

Halloween, Lucy turns 10, Bronner's

Monday was Halloween. The kids still had school work Monday which they thought was unfair because it was a holiday but they didn't have all that much work to do. When they finished their work, we spent the rest of the day getting things ready for Lucy's birthday party the next day. She wanted to do a "Nailed It" themed party so we had to bake some cakes. Then we went to the Dollar Tree to get some random things to use to make trophies for the competition. That was a fun little craft. We ended up with a toy baking mixer, a weird monster dog toy and a unicorn head. We spray painted them all gold and attached them to an upside down shiny cup. 

Monday afternoon I dropped Steven and David off in Milford so they could hangout with Max for Halloween. Then that evening the Mays and Eakins came over to trick or treat with us in our neighborhood. There was a light rain and I really like to hand out candy so I stayed at the house with Caroline and we passed out candy. We didn't get a lot of kids so I thought I was funny and I played the "Come Little Children" song from Hocus Pocus to try to draw kids to our door. It was not successful but in the end I did get rid of most of our candy (mostly because I gave everyone massive handfuls of candy). When everyone came back from trick or treating they tracked wet, muddy leaves all over the carpet which game me some anxiety. We also found a 3 Musketeer candy bar smashed into our rug, our wall and then a bit on the trash can. Not cool.

Tuesday was Lucy's 10th birthday. She of course opened presents as soon as she was awake. She was spoiled as per usual. From us she got a giant squishmallow, an art kit and a fitness watch. From my parents she got a desk with school supplies for her dolls. From Tyler's parents she got a Lego set and a pirate beanie boo. And from Ben she got a hamster and travel supplies for her dolls. She had fun that morning playing with her dolls and all the new toys she got for them. Then it was off to school for her and siblings. 

While she was at school I decorated her Minecraft cake, made frosting for the party and cleaned the house. Cleaning the house was a poor choice because it got destroyed at her party. Just more dirt and leaves tracked in and then cake crumbs added into the mix. Kids are messy.

I think overall Lucy enjoyed her party. They ate some food, paired up to decorate cakes, and then played outside while we picked winners. When they came back inside we presented the trophies. Lucy and Angelica won first place. They really took their time with their rainbow cake and it turned out really good. Penny and Luna got second place. They tried to get all the elements in their ladybug cake and did alright for 8 year olds. Peter and Reggie took last place. I think they were disappointed so I tried to cheer them up by showing them that their trophy squeaked (it was just a dog toy spray painted gold)...maybe a bad idea...Their cake was kind of a hot mess which was probably due to how fast they decorated it.

After we presented awards, we sang to Lucy, ate cake and she opened gifts. She rushed to the present opening and I got frustrated with her because she was being kind of bratty about it and people were dragging cake all over the house. I may have yelled at her in front of her friends. Not my finest moment. With the presents opened and the "Nailed It" competition over, I had no more plans for the night and we still had an hour left. I had been hoping they would just go play outside but the sun had already set and they just weren't interested. So the girls ended up watching "Nailed It" and the boys played on the Nintendo Switch. I let them seperate for a bit but then for the last half hour I had them come back together and play Cards for Humanity (family edition). It has so much potty humor that it was the perfect fit for all of the party crew and got them playing together again. It was a good end to the party.

Wednesday the girls had a sewing activity for church so we went and bought fabric for it. Since we were right by the bird shop I took the girls there to see the birds. The birds were a little less active but still cool. It got me researching how to take care of larger birds and realizing that is probably not realistic for us at this time in our lives. Since that's not realistic I have decided that we will breed our parakeets so that maybe we can train up some birds to like us. On Thursday we went and picked up the supplies to make a nesting box and then Tyler made one. It is now all set up and ready for eggs. We will see if my birds oblidge and how it all goes. Maybe we will have baby birds by Christmas.

Friday the weather was gorgeous so after running a few errands, I went on a bike ride to the library with the kids. Being outside in good weather is really one of my favorite things. That evening Lucy had her first volleyball practice. This will be the first season that her and Jenna do not have volleyball together. Boo. It's always more fun when I can sit with Jenna's family at games. We also had the parent driver's class meeting. That gave me all the fun info about the process Steven will be going through to get his license. I cannot believe that by Christmas he will have his level 1 license and actually be driving. Terrifying.

Saturday we took our annual trip to Bronner's. We always like to go before Thanksgiving to try and beat the crowds but holy cow it was crowded. Thankfully our kids are older so it wasn't too terrible- at least we didn't have to worry about losing them easily or having them break something- but we still had to try to maneuver through the crowds to get around. Here is a pic of the ornaments the kids ended up with:

Penny's is a marshmallow mermaid

Ben's is a marshmallow dinosaur

Lucy's is a marshmallow unicorn

Steven got a Nintendo remote

Afterwards we made a stop at Cherry Republic so I could get my favorite cherry chocolate covered pretzels and then we hit up Culver's for a late lunch. Overall a nice family outing. Just wish the boys knew how to keep their hands to themselves and weren't always messing with eachother. Do they ever grow out of that???

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