Tuesday night we had a broadcast for the youth at the church. It was for the Northeast area and was given by Sister Cordon and Brother Lund. We were told that all youth leaders, including seminary teachers needed to be there. Tyler had a neighborhood meeting so I ended up going with all the kids. I really did not need to be there. #1- they said this was for the youth and their would be an adult one later. #2- it was all about class/quorom presidencies. I really couldn't see a correlation with seminary. I also felt a bit annoyed when they proposed weekly presidency meetings (even though I am not in yw's anymore). Why does the church love meetings so much? When it ended I gathered my kids and 2 kids I had drove there and attempted to leave but the Bishops said no, there was to be a discussion as well. They made a sad attempt to include the youth and then basically had a leader led discussion. Oh the irony, didn't they just hear how the youth should be running things?
On Wednesday I drove Ben at to the Howell Nature Center for sixth grade camp. He was a little nervous at first but as soon as he saw his buddies he was good and had no qualms with me leaving. I was probably the first parent to leave and so of course with no one to follow I went the wrong way down a one way dirt road. It took me a bit to realize what I had done so I was too committed at that point. Thankfully I didn't run into any cars but I still feel embarassed about that.
Wednesday night Lucy had volleyball and this time I paid attention. Unfortunately her team lost but I blame it on the other team being cheaters. They all got way closer to the net than Lucy's team when they served. A definite advantage. I also started attempting to make up cheers for Lucy's team. I mean I didn't actually shout them but I had some good ones.
Thursday night Tyler and I went and saw one of our seminary students in the play, "Big Fish". She had specifically asked us not to come but we really wanted to see what she looked like when she was actually awake. So we went and just made a point to not see her afterwards. Someday we might let her know that we were there but not unless we think it will be a good thing. It really was nice to see her awake, smiling, singing, dancing, skipping AND with makeup and her hair done. The play itself was *meh* but I am glad we went.

Friday I picked up Ben from camp (and this time I went the right way down the one way road). His voice was hoarse from overuse but that didn't stop him from telling me all about camp the whole way home. He obviously had such a good time. He told me that he wore his coon skin hat the whole time and told me he was so glad he brought it because everyone kept telling him how cool his hat was. He played capture the flag, went canoeing, did archery, played gaga ball, learned survival skills (although his group couldn't figure out how to light a match apparently), saw some wild animals (box turtle, falcon, owl...), learned how to dance the macarena, told ghost stories, drank lots of watered down juice and just had a great time. It seems like maybe I should have him in scouts because he needs to learn how to light a match and also, he loves this stuff.
After picking up Ben from camp, I got to pick up 2 budgies from the Springers. I am not quite sure if they still needed us to watch them or if they are just being nice and letting us see if we actually want our own pet birds but either way, we now have two birds. We have had them 24 hours at this point and they are still not quite a fan of us. They seem a bit more comfortable (they finally left the corner perch) but they still won't perch on our fingers. They also look really frazzled to me (fluffed out) and I am really hoping we don't somehow kill their birds.

Friday night Tyler and I had a temple date. We didn't have all our friends this time, just Caroline came (her hubby is the one out with the National Guard right now). We did run into another couple we know and Tyler had some deep thoughts with the husband about the after life. Afterwards just Tyler and I went to Applebee's, it has sort of become our after temple tradition. I am starting to recognize the servers. In all honesty it's hard not too- the one server is super tall and he has long manicured nails and wears bell bottom jeans. Sort of hard to forget.
Saturday morning I took the kids plus Andrea to Greenfield Village. It was a bit colder in the morning than I would have liked so the girls were complaining of being cold. The older kids were off on their own but didn't last too long either. My kids have gotten fairly lame. I think I'll have to go back sometime with just Tyler. I personally enjoyed seeing the glass blowers, weavers and learning about lightbulbs. We also got to see a train turntable moving a train, that was pretty cool. I think the kids had the most fun when they all met up at the playground area and got crazy (and slightly dangerous) on all the various spinny things. Andrea, Lucy and Ben also climbed to the top of the rock wall and then all struggled to figure out how to get back down, that was fun ;)

This week also had some funny seminary moments. First there was a spider that some people felt should be taken out and not killed so David attempted to catch it by using a clipcoard and it about slid right onto him. Got some squeals from the girls. Then the kids made idols and ate them (similar to Moses feeding the ashes of the golden calf to the Israelites) and Jake made his idol look like Tyler. Then on Thursday we had a pinata (choices and consequences) and Jake ended up karate chopping it and candy burst everywhere (rather painfully). wish I had gotten a video! But it was most definitely a week to remember. Even if also this week the teens made fun of a video that I thought was super spiritual and they thought it was super horror film like. (It's called "Two Theories") Oh teens.
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