Friday, April 8, 2022


Our drive to Tennesse Friday was much less smooth than our drive down. We hit so much traffic/accidents which made our 9 hour drive time so much longer. We probably should have hit the road earlier seeing how everyone else was heading back north but we were on vacation and it just didn't happen. So we left St. Augustine at 7am and got to the RV Park in Gatlinburg where our friends, the Turley's, were spending their Spring Break around 8pm. We hung out with them for a bit but it got cold and we were all tired so we headed to their house (which was just 15mins away from the RV Park) to crash. 

Staying at their house without them there was so awkward. Especially awkward because their au pair was still there with one of her friends hanging in the kitchen right by the bedroom Tyler and I were staying in. Also the bedroom had huge windows that opened up to the woods and no blinds and I do not like that. And sleeping in someone else's bed just feels weird. They were so nice to let us crash there so we didn't have to do the whole long drive home but it was just not super comfortable. Because of that, we decided instead of staying all day Saturday and staying another night there, we would head out Saturday afternoon. 

So Saturday morning, after breakfast at McDonald's, we went back to the RV park to hang with the Turley's. When we got there I made a poor mistake of putting on my jacket and shutting the car door and literally shut the car door on my pinkie. Everyone had already left me and I about died as I opened the door and was met with nothing but throbbing pain and a severely discolored pinkie tip. I thought I could be a tough girl and went over to everyone but as soon as I was asked if I was ok I pretty much dissolved into tears. Super embarassing. Tyler happened to have an ice pack in the first aid kit and between that and the Tylenol I took I had some relief but basically it just hurt the whole day (and the next day too). 

It didn't help that things felt a little weird with Pattie. She made some comments that seemed to indicate she wasn't quite aligned with the church right now and I feel like me, little miss seminary teacher, was probably not her favorite person to hang with. She had told me after my miscarriage that I just needed more faith and I would have a healthy baby. So with that mindset when her faith didn't make her sixth child the boy that she wanted (she had 4 girls and 1 boy), I think that may have rocked her. I get it. I wish faith was a vending machine but it's not. I didn't quite make that connection while I was there (probably because of the throbbing pain in my pinkie) but I wish I had. I think we could have had a good conversation about such things. Heaven know I understand. 

The kids had fun playing at this RV Park, they had a massive park with a tramp and zipline, a "train" to ride, and crafts to do. The kids were enjoying all this until lunchtime when Tyler had said we were going to leave. So at about noon the kids were hesitant to go far because we were supposed to leave and I was hesitant to have them go far because we were supposed to leave but we weren't leaving  because Tyler was enjoying time with his friend and guess who got to hear the kids complain? They were also hungry. At 1:30 we finally headed out. I am grateful Tyler got to spend time with his *only* friend ;) but it just wasn't my favorite part of the trip.

We hit a little less hiccups driving back to Michigan Saturday afternoon. I spent 5.5 hours of the 9 hour drive home listening to conference. I noticed there were a lot more talks around about how being good doesn't exempt you from trials and I appreciated that. There was even a talk about how there is no spiritual vending machine- would have been a good talk for Pattie. We made it home at like 11pm and all quickly passed out.

The next day, Sunday, we got to spend the day unpacking, catching up on laundry and watching conference. I am really glad we came back a day early because I felt much better equipped to handle Monday having that extra day to get things done. And on a side note, Lucy started taking general conference notes without us even asking her to. She just assumed we were going to give her prizes for them as per usual, lol, but I am still impressed with her. The rest of the kids (except for Steven) then followed suit. We rewarded them the next day with treats from Sonic and Steven was bummed to not get one. Maybe next time he'll make the effort? 

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