Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter Bunny Cake and Easter Eggs

Monday the weather was so good and I wanted to go on a walk with the kids but they were having a hard time focusing on their work (I also had to give a ride to a friend so I wasn't there the whole time to help them stay focused) and by the time they finally got their school work done, the weather took a turn and it started raining. That bummed me out because I love getting out when the weather is perfect.

Monday night Lucy had her first volleyball practice and since they still didn't have a coach, Tyler ended up volunteering. Lucy is happy to have dad as her coach, but he hasn't embarassed her yet. He is going to start officially next week since this past Wednesday he had volunteered to lead the Teacher's Activity and he couldn't be in two places at once. This man has got to stop volunteering for all the things.

Tuesday the kid's didn't have their elective class so they got out of school an hour early. I am always bummed when my kid free days are cut short but since they got out early we decided it would be a good day to see "Sonic 2". It wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be- I only drifted off once- and the kids really seemed to enjoy it.

Wednesday morning Steven got to take his first PSAT, I am curious to see how he does. That evening I ended up with just the girls so after volleyball I painted fingernails and we watched "Project Runway Junior". Maybe not the most appropriate show, I mean the clothes are rarely modest, but they really loved watching teens create clothes, they were especially impressed by the 13 year old on there. Afterwards Penny pretended to sew clothes with a toothpick while Lucy drew outfits. 

This week our seminary attendance has been sparse so I sent a text out to the seminary parents about it Wednesday, just expressing that we missed our teens and hoped they would come the next day. Then I got 3 texts from parents about how it was PSAT week. First of all, this test takes place during school and second of all, the parents that were handing out these excuses were parents of kids that we've seen like 6 days this semester. I found their responses super annoying so I decided just to not respond. I had nothing nice to say. Being a seminary teacher is such a tough calling. You are sleep deprived, you work hard to prep daily lessons and then no one shows and parents are quick to excuse their kids. Plus no one ever really says thank you. It's hard not to feel run down from it sometimes. 

Despite feeling run down, I still try. Thursday morning we had 3 parents come in (these were not ones that responded to my text with excuses) and share a scripture about Christ and what it meant to them. They did a really nice job (even if one of the teens was on their phone the whole time). Then afterwards we made Resurrection Cupcakes. They turned out pretty fun. 

Thursday was once again a short day for my kids. This time they got out even earilier, at noon. I tried to convince them they should do all their school work so they can enjoy Good Friday but they were not enthused by the idea. They did a little but not as much as I had hoped. That evening Tyler and I went on a super exciting Costco date. We are trying to make sure we're stocked up on the important things because there are rumors that shortages are coming for us again.

Friday after the kids finished their work we did some of our Easter traditions. Steven was very uninterested in partcipating which bummed me out but the other kids were still into the traditions. First we made our traditional bunny cake, only this time we used chocolate frosting (because that is what I had leftover from the cupcakes). It turned out as creepy as ever.

Then we dyed our fake eggs. This year I got some fake eggs that you could decorate with chalk and I also got some roll on dye. I can tell Ben won't last much longer with this tradition, he rushed through it, but the girls still enjoyed getting creative and I had some fun too. I really like the roll on dye because I was able to make my eggs look kind of tie dyed.

After we decorated eggs we drove out to Spun Sugar in South Lyon because I thought it would be fun to get some yummy cotton candy for Easter baskets. It was worth the 35 minute drive. The owner was really nice and gave us all a free sample, took our family pic and then let the kids pick out a ring or candy to take home. We bought like 8 things of cotton candy so I think we paid back her generosity. I imagine that won't be our only trip to that store.

Friday evening we had the opportunity to see Elder Anderson at the Ann Arbor Stake Center but we knew it was going to be so crowded and peopley so we opted to be less spiritual and just watch it at home. I don't really regret it. It was much less stressful to just watch it from the comfort of our house. Plus, Elder Anderson seemed a little unorganized and his talk was kind of all over the place. Apparently his flight came in late so maybe that was why?

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