Sunday was Easter and the kids were up early and ready to hunt for thier baskets. I tortured them a bit and made them wait while I took a shower. After my shower the hunt was on. Penny found her basket near her ballet shoes (which was a hard clue because she never knows where they are). Lucy found her basket in the bathtub (a place she often visits- she has really gotten into taking showers lately). Ben found his basket near an epic battle scene (it was his Mario Lego's which was confusing because he did not consider that a battle scene). Steven's basket was hidden in a dark and messy place (his locker).
Penny and Lucy both got "magic" spice jars. Penny got some things for a fairy garden, sidewalk chalk, water balloons, gardening gloves,a VeggieTale Movie, and candy.
Ben got a diy board game, a Mario Lego, a Temple Recommend Holder, a new mug, water balloons and candy.
Lucy got a "magic" cookbook and "magic" recipes, some fairy garden things, gardening gloves and a shovel, a VeggieTales DVD, water balloons, and candy
Steven got a silly shirt, a dot to dot book, plastic silverware (because he has issues with metal silverware), sensory balls (because he loves laying on his bed and throwing balls in the air), water balloons, a new mug and candy.
I got a new dress (that came late), new bird feeders (my last ones were destroyed when the neighbor kid ran into them), and a couple puzzles. Tyler got a Nine Line T-shirt and lots of cotton candy.
After all the basket fun I made a grazing plate for all the kids for breakfast. It had mini chocolate chip muffins, doughnuts, pancake sticks, bacon, grapes and some peeps. I was done with the pancake bunnies, the kids never ate them. This was a good change, they actually ate the food so I will stick with this new tradition.
Then we took pics of all the kids as per tradition (Tyler insisted on taking a pic of me too) and we headed off for a nice Easter Sunday. There were some nice talks given. One of my seminary students even quoted a scripture that I had stated as one of my favorites on Friday. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not...
After church we did an Easter Egg Hunt with the Eakins and the Mays. I had thought about hosting one but just couldn't muster up the desire, I guess I feel a little unappreciated for things that I have hosted in the past. But Grace, Melissa, Caroline and I had hung out the previous night and Caroline was upset because she forgot about Easter and Grace was nice enough to offer to host a hunt last minute. The kids really enjoyed it. I would rather have been taking a nap, lol, but I am glad I have friends that force me to socialize ;)
Monday we had several inches of snow. It didn't make me super happy but I should probably do a better job of embracing this crazy weather. I mean it was the realy pretty, fluffy snow. Tyler was off Monday so when the kids were done with their school work we wanted to take them to the Henry Ford Museum. Steven was a typical teen and did not want to join us. It bummed Tyler out because he wanted it to be a family outing but he decided to let him stay home. Despite Steven's absence we enjoyed the museum. We saw the Apollo exhibit, watched the race car movie and checked out the trains.

Wednesday Lucy had her first volleyball game with her dad as coach. I dropped Ben off at his soccer practice and then Steve, Penny and I went to watch Lucy's game. We sat with Stacey's family and I felt super unable to focus on the game, not sure why. Lucy's team did win 2 out of 3 games so that's good. It had been quite a few months since I had seen Stacey and for some reason the conversation felt awkward. Maybe I was just in a weird mood. I dunno. Maybe I offended her by expressing concerns about Walled Lake Northern where her kid already goes. I dunno. Hopefully next week will be better. After the game Tyler took three kids to the church and I got to be the one to get Ben from practice and take him to the church late. It will mean double the gas but the system worked out ok. For their church activity that night, the boys were calling people in the ward about their flower fundraiser. It was a weird way to fundraise. Last year we just distributed the fundraiser info and people came to us. Tyler and I were saying that it felt a bit like a poor use of church records.
Thursday Steven was supposed to start archery but it got postponed and won't start until May. A bit of a bummer but at least it wasn't cancelled. And Tyler had scheduled a night out with his friends Thursday so it was nice to not have to worry about Ben needing to babysit while I took Steven to archery. Instead the kids and I had a quiet night in and watched our latest family show "Itch" on BYUTV.
Friday was a bit warmer than it had been and there was no snow or rain so we took a walk to seven eleven and the library when they finished their school work. They have had so much sugar lately but I enjoy walks with them and the bribery of a treat at seven eleven seems to be the only way to get them out on one. That evening Tyler and I went out on a date. We strolled Barnes and Nobles and finally used a giftcard someone had given us at Benstein Grille. That place is a little fancy for us but yummy.
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