Sunday, May 8, 2022


 Monday morning the girls took a quick reading test at their school. They both seem to be right where they need to be. Then that evening Lucy and Tyler did volleyball and Ben had soccer. I noticed Ben kind of lagging behind when they were running so I recommended he run laps around our block on at-home days and he agreed right away. I love how much he enjoys soccer and that he is willing to work to do better. He is definitely not the best player but he does try hard.

Tuesday I had an ADD sort of cleaning day where I would start cleaning one thing and then get distracted by something else. When I finished though I had done a pretty thorough cleaning of the house. In part of my cleaning I put up the snow boots and knowing my luck, now we will get a May snow ;) While putting away the snow boots I discovered where the kids had hidden my mother's day gifts. They must do a better job at hiding things next year. 

Wednesday Lucy had a double header for volleyball so it complicated our night a bit. They won their first game but not their second. Apparently they were soo tired from the first game. Jumping out of the way of the volleyball can be so exhausting.

Thursday was teacher appreciation day so we donated towards the luncheon and then I sent the kids with a bag of popcorn with a cute note for their teachers. I told them to tell their teachers "Sure appreciate you" when they gave it to them because that's what Tyler's mission president would say, it's a bit of a family joke. Apparently they did what I asked and I imagine it was pretty cute. 

Thursday evening Steven started archery *finally*. He grumbled about going but I really do think he enjoys it. It was a bit of a drive there and I ended up having to sit on the hard floor of a school hallway. It was so peopley by the entrance to the gym that I decided it wasn't worth butting in to watch him. He said he did well and won a couple of the games they did (his scores were in the 40's). 

Friday, after talking to the bird owner, we did a bird swap. We now have Kaze and Remi. And I now know this is not about helping them, they're just letting us try out birds and I am ok with that. These birds started out being so much nicer and going on our fingers and shoulders but they were not as friendly with us Saturday. Maybe my kids are just too much too handle.

Saturday I took Ben to his soccer game. I felt a bit out of place all by myself. Everyone else seemed to come in groups and they all know each other and cheer on each other's kids. Ben is definitely the newbie on the team and he didn't get much play time. His team is really good though and fun to watch. They won 6-2. After the game I discovered the cotton candy store was only 10 minutes away from where we were so we of course had to go get some. They were nice and offered Ben a free cotton candy but not me. I was offended. On our way back home we encountered a cop car leading a "parade" of Camaros. That was different.

Saturday afternoon the girls went with me to a track meet to see a couple of my seminary students. Tyler was going to go but forgot he had a baptism to go do technology for. I really wish he had come. The girls had dressed in shorts and short sleeve but it was not that warm so they were freezing and whiney. We watched Nathan throw the shot put. Then we went to see Jake run but it took almost an hour before it was finally his turn. In the meantime we saw the relay race and the hurdles (and man a lot of hurdles got knocked down). Transitions from each group/event were sooo long. When we finished with Jake, we went and watched Nathan throw the discus and by that time the girls were over it so we went home and watched some "Project Runway Junior".

In Seminary this week our numbers are still mostly low. We talked with Bishop about it last Sunday and this week he sent us a text suggesting we reach out and let parents know how important seminary is. I mean I've done that but I made another no avail. I'm not sure what can really be done to get kids there. Some days I leave seminary and think, wow that was a good day, and other days not so much but I thinks that's pretty normal no matter how many people attend. I think we're all just a little ready for this year to end and have the summer to refresh.

Also on the note of seminary, Lucy decided she wanted to join us for seminary. She has shown up every morning this week, all dressed and ready for the day. She participates some and is much more alert than some of our students. She says she wants to get closer to Christ but the cynical part of me thinks she just wants the treats we have out...

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