Monday, April 4, 2022

Ben's Birthday

Monday was a warm, sunny day so we took our traditional walk to seven eleven and the library. It's a good tradition.

Wednesday was cold and rainy. After so many good weather days it was kind of depressing to be back to the crummy weather. We spent the day indoors. That evening the boys had activities and once again I hung with my friends. We had another mom out there with us and I realized that my friends and I are such a clique. It's hard to hang out with my friends and not talk about things we have done or upcoming things we have planned. Ugh, I hated when I was the odd man out and I really tried not to make it that way for this mom. 

Thursday evening Tyler and I were able to take the boys to do baptisms for the dead. I love going along for baptisms. I feel so at peace in the temple and it is so much less stressful than endowment sessions. All I have to do is make sure the kids get dunked properly. It was a good way to spend the night. The girls were at Grace's house and one of their kiddos is sick. While I am super grateful to have a friend that is always willing to watch my kids, I seriously hope we didn't catch anything.

Friday was Ben's pretend birthday since we will be out of town on his real birthday. We let him open his presents that morning. His big gift (and only gift) from us was the Lego Super Mario Bowser Ship. His grandparents got him drawing books and another Lego Super Mario Set.


That evening we had his party. It was a pretty low key party with his 3 friends: Andrea, AJ and Jacob. Tyler took them to do laser tag which apparently the cost is only for 15 minutes so we had to double the cost I had expected. That was a bit of a bummer but the kids still had fun and apparently Ben creamed everyone. Afterwards they had pizza, played some card games,and ate cake and ice cream. Than we were all off to bed early because we had to wake up early the next day for our trip.


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