This week saw warmer temperatures so we were able to get out a lot more. It does wonders for my soul. I feel so much better when I can get the kids outside. Monday our outside adventure was our traditional walk to 7-11 and the library. All the ice has finally melted so it was just mud now. Does a number on all the kids' shoes but at least we're not slipping and sliding. Later that day Penny had her second online ballet class. I am not sure she learns much. She seems to stumble a lot or run off to grab a drink or some item she feels she needs. Definitely not the same as an in person class. I should probably do better for her. Then after dinner, Tyler and I had a meeting with our seminary coordinator. He is always very positive and tells us how great we are. I would love to take that to heart but he has never actually seen us teach. He probably just likes us because we don't cause issues. He did give us a good idea for encouraging scripture reading, I hope it helps. We are going to partner up kids (strong readers with weak readers) and have them text each other a verse each day. We shall see how it goes.
Wednesday after the kids finished their schoolwork we took a little bike ride to our beach. We had fun breaking off some ice in the lake and throwing it in. We are all anxiously awaiting when it was warm enough for real beach days again. It was nice to be on a bike again. Usually my legs get tired real quick when I haven't road a bike for a long while but they didn't this time. Makes me think that all those lower body work outs I am doing might actually be working. I have been doing good at staying consistent with working out. I work out every Mon, Wed and Fri after seminary and try to rotate between a core work out, upper body work out and lower body work out. I'm hoping it's worth the effort ;)

Wednesday evening all the kids were at the church for activities thanks to my complaining. I had sent a text to the new bishop earlier in the week letting him know the difficulties of having activities at multiple locations. I don't know why I felt so guilty after sending the text, like I was being a problem child, but I did. And for some reason I felt even worse when only a couple hours later the activities were all moved to the church. It was really weird having someone actually listen to me for once. But it really is relieving that the activties are going to be better coordinated from now on. It will make my life easier and save some on gas. I guess so far my interactions with this new Bishop have been positive and that's a nice change.
Thursday while the kids were in school I did some shopping for their Easter baskets and I think I am all set- except for the candy. I am really excited by some cute little jars I got that I am going to give to the girls. They loved "Just Add Magic" and I think these jars will be perfect to use as magical spice jars for some pretend play. When I got back from that Tyler and I went out for lunch and then I actually had sometime to do some painting. I am a working on a sunset/cactus painting, hopefully it turns out nice.
Thursday was St. Patricks day so all the kids were lucky enough to not have to wear uniforms and they got to wear green instead. For dinner that night I decied to try making Shepherd's Pie because I love it and it's Irish. I undercooked it though and the mashed potatoes were still very mashed. It still tasted amazing though.
After dinner the girls and I went on another bike ride down to our lake. This time it was all melted so they decided to do some "fishing".
Friday night Tyler and I were able to go to the temple with the Bloomfields and the Mays. I have found that I really enjoy going to the temple with my friends. Sometimes the temple can make me a little anxious but going with my friends has helped me feel more calm. This was a tough one for Caroline though because it was her last time at the temple with her husband for a year, he's headed off next week to the middle east for the national guard. Makes me grateful my husbands not going anywhere. Afterwards we all went to Applebee's and had a good time.
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