Saturday, January 30, 2021

Last week

Our last week in Arizona flew by. On Monday we went out for one last time to Mi Amigo's for dinner with my parents and my brother. It was amazing, as always. Afterwards we went back to my parent's house so Tyler could teach my parents how to clean their guns. We are real exciting people here ;) 

Tuesday we met Tara's family at KTR in Chandler after school. Melissa and Keshia's family came too but more at the tail end of our time there. This place had an indoor trampoline/gymnasium/skate park. The kids had no desire to do the skate park part but they had a blast climbing all the things, jumping around and playing games with their cousins. Penny especially loved chasing all the Bowman boys. She really likes to hang with the older boys. I did a little climbing myself and attempted to do the gymnastic rings but I have no upper body strength and fell rather ungracefully into the pit below. I'm sure if my kids were easily embarrassed, my antics would have sent them into hiding

Tuesday night Jezerea, Keshia, Melissa and Tara came over and we had a girl's night. Keshia picked up Oregano's so we ate and then we played a couple games- 5 Second Rule, and Gestures. I was terrible at both. I do not think well on my feet. Tara made some cookies for dessert. I had 4. I will need to detox after this trip (as will my kids). I mostly just listened during all the conversations because I rarely have anything good to contribute but it was really a good night overall. Tyler came in at the end and talked politics. It seems to be a big conversation point these days. Lots of worries with Biden as president and some of the executive orders he's signing.

Wednesday we did a shorter day of school so I could get all the things packed up for Tyler. So many things to pack but I got it all ready with an hour to spare before my yw's activity. We spent that hour at Pioneer Park. It was a really awesome playground but they never have as much fun as they do when they have friends to join them.

After the park I led a virtual YW's activity. We did a scavenger hunt. I would tell them to "find something that..." and then they would all share what they found. It was actually pretty fun to see the different things they brought and it helped us to learn a little bit more about them. Like one of my yw likes to put chips in her sandwhich and another loves puzzles just like me. 

When I finished the activity Tyler's parents took me and Tyler out to dinner at Nando's- more yummy Mexican food. Tyler and his dad talked plmbing things and work things and his mom wasn't super chatty. But it was still nice to have an evening out with them both, I know I need to do better at building a relationship with them.

Thursday morning Tyler packed up the trailer and began his journey back to Michigan. Since he took all the homeschool supplies we couldn't do school so we hung at out at my parent's house. We had some yummy food for lunch and then a chill afternoon. Then we went to Mike and Mecca's house so the boys could do some more Minecraft Dungeon  and the girls could play house. Lucy took all the pictures below.

When we left Mecca's house we dropped the girl's off at their Aunt Tara's house for one last girl's sleepover. They played, painted nails, made water color paintings and made bracelets. She was a good entertainer. 

While the girls were having their girl time with cousins, the boys and I went on a hike with Poppy at South Mountain. We ended up doing the Marcos De Niza trail because the boys saw that mountain top and said they wanted to go there. I think we wore Poppy out---we definitely wore me out. But it was so nice to get one last view of Arizona from on high before we leave. It was also nice to work up a sweat. Once we get back to Michigan, that won't happen anymore. On our way down we were behind a family and the mom got confused about where the trail went and would you believe that I figured out the right way!? I'm usually the lost one!

Friday afternoon we switched kids- we picked up the girls from Tara's and left the boys. They went to Broden's birthday party at Jake's Unlimited and enjoyed one last sleepover with their cousins.

Saturday morning we headed to the airport to go back to the frigid cold of Michigan. The morning didn't have a great start. Ben had had an accident during the night and had put his wet clothes in with all the things they had brought on their sleepover- including Steven's mask. Steven really likes the neck gators and I could not find our extra ones so he was cranky about that. And I was cranky about having to pack wet, stinky clothes. 

Security went smoothly at the airport but then Ben and I decided to walk to the otherside of the terminal so we could get everyone a second breakfast at McDonald's (we'd be flying during lunch so we needed some extra food). They don't like egg sandwiches so I figured hotcakes from McDonald's would be our best bet. Unfortunately after our super long walk it turns out they were all out of hotcakes. That was exteremely disappointing and we ended up spending $30 on Lunchables and water bottles instead. 

Our next disappointment of the day was that the airplane did not have screens in the seat. That meant Lucy and Steven had to share a phone and I had to give up my tablet. It was definitely less convenient but thankfully eveyone seemed ok with the situation and the plane ride went smoothly.

My friend picked us up from the airport. It was cold but she cranked up the heat for me because she knows me so well. She also was nice enough to stay and see if my car would start so I could get some milk and things to survive the rest of the weekend. It did not start. It also stole my key and I could not get it out. She came back with her husband and they jump started my car and my car eventually relinquished my key. I am grateful to my friend for her help so that now we have some groceries in our fridge.

Speaking of friends....I got brand new counselors and a brand new secretary in yw's and I am hopeful that they will be good supports. It happened really quickly- much different then when I originally got called. Unfortunately my friend who was the secretary was very offended by everything that went down and is very unhappy with me. She felt like it was a personal attack that she got released and that it was uninspired and that I should've asked her if she wanted to be released. It wasn't personal and I hope it was inspired and hopefully she doesn't hold an eternal grudge against me since she's part of my friend group. I sure hate drama.

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