Saturday, February 6, 2021

Back Home

Transitioning back to life in Michigan wasn't super smooth. The kids struggled with the time change (and so did I). Sunday night I had a meeting with my new YW's counselors and secretary and it look a couple hours because we had lots of training to do (they are also all very positive and excited about being yw's which is good but also hard when I feel less than positive and had to work hard not to be a debbie downer). Anyways, the kids had promised they would get themselves ready for bed at 8pm but that did not happen. They were messing around and being crazy all during my meeting- even after I muted myself a couple times so I could yell at them. Then it took at least an hour after my meeting (and some more yelling) for them to finally go to sleep. And after that, I struggled to get to sleep myself. It was a rough night for all.

Tyler made it back 2am Monday morning so it wasn't a super fun night for him either. Gratefully he made it back safely, despite some less than favorable weather. So Monday morning was overwhelming with all our things to unpack and homeschooling that needed to be done. Plus I had groceries to pick up (which took an hour because they are not efficient and only had 1 person working and lots of orders to bring out). It was a rough day but somehow I taught all the kids, got all the things unpacked and got the groceries.

Tuesday things calmed down and I was also able to help the neighbor out by watching Jacob in the afternoon (it was a half day and she works). The kids were happy to be reunited with their friend and he keeps them entertained so it actually helps me out.

Wednesday, the May family came over after we were done homeschooling and that was another happy reunion. Caroline and I did a 300 piece puzzle and finished it before she left. It was nice to catch up while we puzzled but I still have some anxiety about our common friend who is unhappy with me because she was released from yw's. And my conversation with Caroline, if anything made me more anxious. I wish I didn't care what others think of me. And honestly I wish this angry friend wasn't part of my friend group because that makes it harder. I know it's silly, but I worry she'll turn the rest against me. Gosh, that sounds so ridiculously high school. 

Wednesday night one of the girls made a fun Kahoot quiz based on a questionaire she gave everyone. It was fun to learn new things about my yw and one yw I hadn't seen for awhile came and another 2 of my yw had their camera on for the first time in forever. I was a little too excited to see them and hope I didn't scare them off with my crazy happy reaction.

Thursday Lucy had a well check up and Steven had his second round of a vaccination and the visit went really well. Steven didn't even cry, just got real hyper. I am so grateful for this new office and their patience and kindness with my anxious kids. The dr also prescribed some medicine that is supposed to help with Lucy's constant throat clearing. So far I haven't seen much of a change but maybe it just takes times to start working?

Thursday night Tyler and I went on a super exciting Costco date...with Lucy ;). We got some needed things and also...a Nintendo Switch. The kids and I had a lot of fun playing it at Mike's house and we just decided it might be a fun thing we can ALL play together. Also, I did my taxes that day and I we typically buy one fun thing with our refund and then pack away the rest. This was our one fun thing. So far we've had a lot of fun playing Super Smash Brother's against each other.

Thursday night we got a few inches of snow so we spent Friday warm and cozy indoors. I also think the kids have needed some just at home time after so many adventures in Arizona.

On a fun note, I learned how to draw families, in the way that is super trendy, this week. Essentially you take the photo and trace it on another layer and then clear the photo layer. I always thought it was so amazing that people could make them but now that I realized it's mostly tracing I am slightly less amazed, ha ha. But it still is fun and when I shared the pic I did of my family, a friend from high school enlisted me to draw theirs so that made me feel pretty special.

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