Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Outside

This week we have enjoyed being outside. Monday when we finished school we met up with my parents at Queen Creek Park. It was nice to chat with my parents while the kids played. The younger 3 managed to gather a few followers with Ben at lead. They were playing some sort of Minecraft game inspired by his imagination. I love that Ben is so good at making friends. They also had fun conquering a big rock that was there. Steven got bored pretty quickly but did seem to enjoy hiding in a an egg.

Tuesday after school Poppy took the kids to see "Croods 2."It was not the most amzing movie ever but it was the first movie we've been to since Covid went down so it was pretty nice to be a theater again. After the movie went to my parent's house and Grams made us some yummy BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. Then the kids all hung out while I met virtually with my Bishop. It looks like there will be a lot of changes going on in both the youth leadership positions and in the adult leadership positions- due to 4 of my yw graduating and two of my leaders being pregnant and due at the same time. It overwhelms me to think of having to train up new presidencies and basically start over new but hopefully the refresh will just be good for the yw in general. 

Wednesday after school we met up Mecca and her kids at Signal Butte Park. They had a hard time getting into playing- I think because this playground wasn't shaded and they weren't used to so much sun- but of course once it was time to go they all started having fun and were less inclined to leave. After the park we hung out at Mecca's home for a bit so the kids could have some fun on the Nintendo Switch with Oliver. Then we went back to the Hatch house and had dinner with Keshia's family. I had to log on to a YW's activity (we did an ancestor show and tell) but they came over mostly so Reese could be with our girls. She has been loving having girl cousins close to her age around.

Thursday after Tyler got off work, we met Mike and his family for a hike at Hackberry Springs. It was a good hike for the kids- with a broken windmill to climb and a wash to explore- we also saw some deer which was a different experience in the desert than in Michigan. At the end of our hike, Lucy took over my phone and took a bazillion photos of herself and others. I shared a few below.

After school Friday I went out to lunch with my mom to the Broken Yolk. They have the most amazing savory and sweet crepes. I am already desperate to eat them again. After we ate we hung out at their house for a few more hours. The girls played, Ben went for a walk with Poppy to Target and Steven made a stained glass night light with Grams.

Friday night Reese spent the night. Melissa and Logan's kids were supposed to come too but they had been with some of Melissa's family that had tested positive for Covid and we just weren't super comfortable hanging with them because we worry about my mom. Steven was really bummed out but I think fun was still had that night. There was pizza, movie watching and late night giggling- all our kids and Reese slept in the living room. They stayed up far too late since we had to wake them up early for a hike. For the hike we brought along Reese and met Mike, Lillian and Oliver at Hieroglyphic Springs. It had a little more elevation change than the last few I had been on so it wore us all down pretty good but it was a nice hike. It had pretty views, plenty of rocks for the kids to climb and make us nervous on, and really cool hieroglyphics for us to check out at the end. Our kids complained surprisingly little about tiredness but Reese had a hard time at the end- an old scab was hurting her, Penny called her mean and that hurt her feelings and the sun was too bright for her sensitive skin-it's a rough life for her. But on the bright side none of the children suffered any injuries and that's a rarity.

After our hike the boys went home with Mikey Dude so they could have some bonding time (and Nintendo Switch time) with Oliver and the girls went to Krazy Air with Keshia's family. Meanwhile I met my mom at Kohl's so she could spoil the kids as per usual and buy them some clothees. Then we grabbed a bite to eat at Kneader's and after that it was off to Mike's to pick up the boys. All in all it was a full day for everyone and quite honestly a full week. Life here is much different than life in Michigan.


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