Sunday, January 10, 2021


 Our first full week in Arizona was full of good times. Monday homeschool went surprisingly well. We got an early start and their were little complaints. Afterwards we met my parents at the library. The kids were happy to be able to go in and pick out some books. They found a Minecraft graphic novel series that they found particularly exciting. After we checked out our books, we walked over to the Riparian Perserve. We went on a nice little walk there and I enjoyed reminising over the walks we used to take there when the boys were little. We also saw lots of birds- ducks, cranes, etc. The kids were most excited by the mallard duck that had a poofy head of feathers. There's a white version of this that the kids call Poppy duck, a brownish gray version that the kids call Grammy duck so we decided this must be Grandchild duck. I failed to snap a good picuture of it though, but here are some fun pictures of my cute kids.

After the Riparian we went to my brother's house for a bit so the kids could hang out and get some video game time together. It really is nice to be able to just hang with family after school.

Tuesday homeschool did not go well at all. There were some frustrations with Steven, some major crying from Penny, and some other issues. It was one of those days where I just want to enroll them all back into school immediately. Because of all the issues we got done way later with school. We were going to go out to Target with my parents but the timing just didn't work out. Instead Reese came over and the girls hung out with her. The boys also finished counting Poppy's change Tuesday-he had enlisted them to do that Monday- and they were each paid $20. 

 Wednesday homeschooling was much better, not sure why but I'll take it. When we finished we went with my parents to Target. They were nice enough to buy each of the kids one things- Shopkins for the girls, Lego's for Ben and a Minecraft board game for Steven. The kids also spent some of their own money on things- Lucy got a unicorn, Penny got a Polly Pocket and Ben got Pokemon cards. They then went back to my parent's house to play with these things. After a bit I took the younger 3 to the nearby park while Steven stayed home and played the game with Grams. It was so nice to be outside with the kids. Next I made dinner and then I virtually attended my yw's activity. At the activity the girl's shared their goals for 2021, it was good to hear their goals and to think about what I would like my own goals to be.

Thursday after school my dad took the kids to Uptown Jungle. It was a pretty cool place with fun indoor play structures, trampolines and a climbing wall. The climbing wall didn't open up until the end but when it did, I was impressd with how brave Lucy was. She was the only one to go all the way to the top. Overall it was a really fun place and it wore them out pretty good.

As we went to leave Lucy said she wanted to go home with Grams and Poppy so they ended up taking both girls with them. The boys and I went home and then went with Tyler out to dinner to Costa Vida. There is just so much good food here- it's bad for our wallet. I was impressed with both boys for eating there- they are usually not up for eating mexican food when we go out. Ben got a taco and Steven got loaded nachos. When we finished our food we strolled through Deseret Bookstore and then picked up the girls.

Friday after we finished schools I got brave and took the girls plus their cousin Reese on a hike at Lost Dutchman State Park. We couldn't find the trail I was wanting to do but we found one that worked pretty well- Treasure Loop. It wasn't too steep of a climb and it had pretty views. My kids are lazy bums and got tired pretty quickly but I was impressed by how far I managed to push them. Penny also fell twice and got some scrapes which was pretty traumatic for her but besides a little whining and minor cuts- it was a really good time. I just love being able to get outdoors and being around mountains.

After our hike, Tyler and I dropped off the girls with Keshia and the boys with my parents and we headed off on a getaway to Sedona to celebrate our 15th anniversary. We arrived in the evening so no exciting events for our first night. I just played on my new tablet that Tyler had got me so I can do my artsy stuff digitally. And we also made a stop at a grocery store for junk food.

Saturday we slept in and then got breakfast at what turned out to be a fancy place. I picked it because it had a picture of pancakes and strawberries that looked good. Turns out they didn't even have such things but Tyler got some southwestern breakfast enchilada that he loved and I got a yogurt parfait that was not super exciting but just what my sensitive tummy needed. The restaurant was situated by an airport for tourist plane rides and also had a great view of the red mountains. It was fun to watch the planes land.

After eating we were ready to hike. The first trail we tried the parking was full so we went to the Marg's Draw Trail instead. We got lucky on this one and nabbed the last parking spot. This trail took us to what has been dubbed Snoopy's rock. This trail was also not super steep but it was about 4 miles long and that's 4 miles more than I have been walking lately. I am proud of myself for making it there and back and it was of course fun to do with Tyler. I enjoy our adventures.

After our hike we strolled through some shops in Tlaquepaque Village which were all way to fancy for us. But we did hit up a New Age shop because my friends and I always joke about these sort of things and I thought I could get them a gag gift. Unfortunately these people take these things very seriously so much of the stuff was way overpriced but I did end up finding a candle for my friend that if she burns it wealth will come her way ;) We also found some fun statues to pose with.

We then took a much needed break at the hotel before heading out again for lunch/dinner. We went to a place that specialized in tamales but it ended up not being super wonderful. The food was kind of bland but I guess that was probably best for my sensitive tummy. 

Afterwards we decided to find a scenic overlook since the sun was going down and I thought that might allow for some nice views. First we headed to a place called Lover's Knoll but it was extremely populated. So instead we found a place just up the road with no one else. Unfortunately as we were taking pictures another couple came and spoiled our romantic spot ;)But it was still a pretty view. And Tyler had fun joking with the other couple about how they didn't spoil our romantic moment because I had just called him dumb. I may have done that...

Tyler was determined we have dessert afterwards so we ended up parking in town to look for a place to satisfy his cravings. It was cold outside but somehow we settled on a popsicle joint. I am grateful it had indoor seating. He got a cotton candy popsicle and mine was pina colada. They were actually really good and I would totally eat there again.

Then it was back to the hotel where we watched a movie on TV and I played some more with my tablet.

Sunday we had another nice and lazy morning and then went out to breakfast. This place was less fancy but I enjoyed my strawberry beligian waffles. After breakfast we did a little hike to some caves. I felt a little anxious with my clumsiness and the heights so I didn't explore them too much, Tyler was a little more brave. All in all it was nice last little hike in Sedona before we headed out. 

We ended our Sedona trip with a little shopping in town and then it was time to head back home. I am so grateful to family that watched our kids so that we could have a nice weekend together. I am also grateful to all my young women leaders who took over this Sunday so I could have the day off. It was one of my busy Sundays filled with Ward Council, Yw's Lesson, Youth Council and a class presidency meeting. So it was definitely a blessing to be able to miss all that and spend the day with Tyler.

Also this past week I have had a major eye issue, that although it is better, it is still not gone. I messaged my dr about it and she said to take Claritin and that I should probably go to Urgent Care and get it checked. Super helpful. Since I have managed to stop the itching and it's not really bugging me I will procrastinate that visit.But I do wish this rash was in a less noticeable place.

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