Saturday, January 23, 2021

Silly Mountain

 Another week goes by on our Arizona trip. Only 1 week left to go which is crazy...Monday was MLK day and even though technically a school holiday, we still did school. Normally I give those days off but the kids will have 2 days off next week since Tyler will be leaving with their curriculum so I decided to swap days off. Steven was not happy about that and threw a real good tantrum about it. Tweens. After we were done with school we met Mecca's family at a park for cookies and playing. Because Steven was in trouble for his bad reaction, he was trying to get back on my good side and was quite nice and helpful with the younger kids. Ben attempted to play Among Us with some random kids at the park but that did not go well. No one could seem to agree upon rules, lol. After some fun time at the park we went back to Mecca's house for dinner and hung out for a bit. I became Emaline's bestie by helping her to sweep sandbox sand into piles while I was there- which was actually quite relaxing.

Tuesday my dad took Mike and Tyler out to dinner so Mecca, me and our kids hung out with my mom. Since everyone is always feeding me, I made dinner for everyone. It was my meager attempt to say thank you. I am going to struggle with cooking everyday again when we go back to Michigan. 

Wednesday after homeschool we met my parents at the library and got some new books. Then afterwards we did another walk around the Riparian Preserve. This time we saw a group of pelicans which was pretty cool but unfortunately I couldn't get a good picture of them. Ben as usual enjoyed climbing all the trees he could.

Thursday afternoon we met my parents and Mike's family over at Freestone Park for pizza and playing. The kids had fun being chased by the Lava Monster (aka Mike) on the playground. Some random kids asked me to chase them and I had to explain to them that I am just not that fun. I wasn't even chasing my own kids so I'm not sure what made them think I would chase them, ha ha. 

Friday we finally broke quarantine from Logan's family and had Miles over. I took Miles, Reese and all my own children for a hike on Silly Mountain. Yet another hike to teach me how out of shape I am, but the weather was cool enough that I didn't get too sweaty. And the views made it all worth it. We all got a good kick out of the Huff and Puff Trail on Silly Mountain and how it made us huff and puff as we went up it. The kids also made me nervous a few time with their desire to climb all the things. 

Friday evening all the kids had sleepovers. Lucy and Penny went to Reese's house. Ben went to Oliver's house and Steven had Mile's sleepover here at the Hatch house. Miles and Steven were extremely lame and played video games and watched TV most of the afternoon/evening but we did manage to get them out of the house to go walk to the gas station for some junk food at one point.

Saturday morning we took Steven, Ben, Oliver and Miles to Krazy Air for a sort of early birthday celebration for Steven. Mike was nice and chased them around there so that made it even more fun. I was able to catch up on some YW's things.

That afternoon we went to my parents house and I did some shopping with Grams while Poppy hung with the kids and Tyler got the car ready for the trip back. Then Saturday evening Tyler's parents took the kids out to a place called Main Event and Tyler and I enjoyed a night out at Costa Vida and then Slickables. Slickables was by the ASU campus so we did some reminiscing. I really enjoyed college life but Tyler not so much so lots of different feelings for both of us.

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