Saturday, January 2, 2021

The New Year

After Christmas time dragged a bit as we waited impatiently for our trip to Arizona. Tyler began his drive to Arizona Monday morning but we didn't fly out until Thursday. Tyler made amazing time and arrived in Arizona Tuesday evening. Monday for me was spent running a couple errands, taking down the Christmas decorations and just getting things organized for our big trip.

Tuesday we spent time with friends which helped time to pass by a little more quickly. However the good streak my kids had been on had began to fade and there was an excessive amount of fighting that day as well. They had been being so good lately that I forgot how difficult they can be.

Wednesday was Caroline and Melissa's birthday so we had to celebrate. We went out to breakfast and then because we are totally cool we went to Salvation Army to pick out clothes for a bestie's 80's photo shoot. We found some sweet jackets and necklaces. Then we went back to Caroline's house to get our hair and make up on point and take pictures. It was lots of fun and I am so grateful to have friends that I feel completely comfortable being my goofy self with.

After all my fun I had to rush home to take Ben to a friend's house so I was still all dolled up and when I came into the house all the kids laughed at me. Offensive. Apparently they weren't a fan of my hair and make up. As I was driving Ben to his friend's house he asked me if I was really going to go to the door looking like that. I told him the only thing I had to wipe off the make up with was his mask and he said that would be just fine. That's how embarrassed of me he was. So I wiped off my makeup and pulled back my crimpy hair into a ponytail and made myself presentable... But now I know how to embarrass him if he ever ticks me off.

That afternoon/evening my friend Ashlee had us over for dinner. That was really nice of her because my refrigerator was getting pretty empty since we'd be leaving for a month. They fed us an amazing dinner and we had some good chats about things. I didn't know Ashlee very well in 2019 and I am glad this year I have gotten to know her better. 

After we came back from dinner we brought the guinea pigs over to our neighbor's house. My kids gave such unnecessarily detailed and complicated instructions for taking care of the piggies- they really do love their pets.

Thursday morning was sooooo slow. Our flight didn't leave until the afternoon and the kids just kept complaining about being bored or they were fighting with each other. I always get anxious about flying so between them and my own anxiety it was really difficult morning. But finally the allotted time came and my friend came on time to take us which was relieving since she can be a little forgetful. Then we breezed through security, bought some food and waited (with some help of screens) until it was time to board. A random person even complimented me on how well behaved my children were when I had left to take Lucy to the bathroom. He said his children would've started a bonfire if he had left kids thought that was hilarious.

During the flight the kids did good, minus the fact that they don't realize that even though they can't hear well because of stuffy ears, we can hear just fine. During turbulence Penny shouted "We're going down!" And then there was the time that Steven shouted at me to look out my window. Ben also didn't freak out as much as I thought he might so that was nice. 

After landing Tyler picked us up and took us straight to Tara's house for a New Year's Eve party. I was exhausted but the kids had a blast hanging out with all their cousins and it was pretty entertaining to watch Tyler's sisters having a crazy dance party. I am not good in big, loud groups but at one point I got some one on one time with Mariah and that was nice. 

Friday morning we had unexpected pictures with Tyler's family. We had been given time to plan clothes so I just had to scrounge together stuff. They had told us it was ok if we didn't do colors in the scheme but we were literally the only family who wasn't completely in the color scheme. Oh well. By the time the picture taking was done it was time for lunch so we met my parents at Mi Amigo's, my most favoritest Mexican restaurant. It was good to see them, and I know my parents were really missing their grandkids. Then the rest of the day was spent at the Hatch house with all his family. Sometimes I enjoy listening or even occasionally joining in the conversation. Other times I feel ridiculously out of place or uncomfortable. Mostly by the end of the day I was severely pooped and peopled out.

Saturday we had breakfast at my parents with my brother's family. After eating, the kids went to a nearby park- I am really happy with the weather here. Really, really happy. And it is really nice to be with Mike's family again and play with his kids and help them to remember that I am the cool Aunt ;). Around lunchtime they had to head out to a baptism but we stuck around and went to lunch with my parents. Then we went back to the Hatch home for some much need quiet time.


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