Saturday, May 30, 2020

Heat Wave

Sunday was kind of strange day. There had been flooding due to a dam break in Midland (about 1.5 hours away from us) so our church leaders declared Sunday a day of service. That meant that Tyler spent all day Sunday clearing out drywall in flooded houses. It was a hot day so it was hard work and when he learned that the homes he was clearing out were people's vacation homes, it made him a little cranky. But service is service and I am glad he was able to help.

His being gone kind of messed with my Sabbath day feeling. We didn't have much of a spiritual Sunday but we did have family outings so that's good right? We went for a bike ride to our usual spot and Lucy, of course, took pictures. We also encountered a turtle on our way back home from the bike ride. Lucy literally almost ran it's head over with her bike which super terrifying but thankfully the turtle was smart and put it's head in it's shell. I was so nervous we were going to move her bike tire and find a crushed turtle head.

 Can you spot the turtle?

After the bike ride we were all sweaty and the kids were begging to go to the beach so I gave in. Steven brought his guinea pig, Mariah, and played card games with me while the other kids had fun playing in the (still) cold water. A friend of Ben's (from school) was there so he played with him. I felt a bit guilty about breaking the Sabbath but...the kids had a good time.

Monday was Memorial Day. Tyler spent the day working on re-caulking the upstairs shower and discovering that we probably need to remodel the whole bathroom. I spent the day at the beach.  We invited some friends and ended up being there for almost 5 hours! We were all pretty crispy when we came home but it was worth the fun.

Tuesday the kids had school work in the morning but we hit up the beach, yet again, that afternoon with some other friends. My one friend had her 1.5 year old daughter and Penny took her under her wing for a good long while. It was sweet to watch Penny taking good care of her. Also I tried to be better at reapplying sunscreen this time around and Penny decided to take it upon herself to really slather it on- check out her leg below...

Tuesday evening we had our Youth Zoom Activity and it was a total flop. That was hard after coming off such a good one last week. We had hardly anyone there and the young woman who was supposed to lead the activity had her camera off and when the whole thing got sidetracked she did not pop in to get it back on track- despite my hint. Who knows if she was even still there. It left me frustrated with her. I just really don't like Zoom activities and am hoping in a month we can get back to real life ones.

Wednesday the kids wanted to go to the beach once again. Lucy had used her money to buy a doughnut float and she really wanted to try it out. I relented and took them but it was cloudy and windy so the kids didn't last long before they were cold and wanted to come home. 

Tyler has been saving some money and was finally able to buy 2 used kayaks with paddles off someone in our Ward this week. Now we have 3 kayaks so I can take friends kayaking with me. So Wednesday night, I took Stefanie kayaking in my neighborhood lake. It was a beautiful day to kayak, perfect weather. At one point I started feeling overexerted (still not quite recovered from the d and c) so we spent a lot of the time after that just letting our kayaks drift with the current- although our kayaks kept trying to drift closer to houses which is awkward when people are in their yard. We talked a lot about my miscarriage and Stefanie brother's wife that had just miscarried twin boys at 20 weeks. Goodness life is hard. We also talked about her trying to start up her own graphic design business (since she recently got laid off)and the things she wants to do with her house. She is a good friend  and I just feel eternally grateful that I moved next door to her 6 years ago.

Thursday evening the girl's got their pictures taken in a field of flowers. There is a man in our Ward who does photography on the side and he called asking if we would like to get some free pictures of the girls in a field of flowers he had found. He is very expensive and doesn't sell the digital files, only the prints, so we've never used him. He also has a full time job and takes pictures for High School on the side so he's super busy. But he has been known to randomly call people in the ward to take pictures of their kids and this week we were the lucky winners of his randomness. The girls were goofs and not very good at posing. Lucy also kept pushing Penny down in the flowers and grass and saying she was pushing her into lava. But despite their goofiness or maybe because of it, the pictures turned out phenomenal. These are some of my favorites and somehow I am supposed to pick out just 3 favorites for him to print. 

Friday it rained on and off during the day and the kids decided to spend most of the day fighting, whining and being little stinkers. At the end of the day we had a Zoom lesson from the Sister missionaries in which Ben pushed Lucy and her head bumped into Steven's. That was fun. We did learn a cool trick up praying and tying knots in jump ropes though, ha ha. After the lesson we had another thrilling car parade to go on. This one was arranged by one of my young women for another young woman's birthday. I was impressed with my young woman for putting it together but I find these parades a little awkward. You roll by and shout "happy birthday" and then it's over. Yay. It's much better when it's a surprise birthday parade for your own kid, ha ha.

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