Saturday, May 2, 2020

Breaking Rules

Sunday we gave up on the stay at home order. My friend was not doing good mental health wise so I ended up picking her and her family up and bringing them to our house. The kids were totally stoked to finally have different people in our house. And honestly, I am so glad we did it. She needed it and so did I. We did a little sacrament meeting with her family and Tyler was able to give her a blessing.

Monday brought the same crazy that every Monday seems to bring. Fights, frustrations and tantrums from all. I also had my ultrasound Monday and they determined that I have a golf ball size mass (7cm) of blood and tissue in my cervix. He gave me some pills that were to basically induce labor so that hopefully I could get the mass out but they did very little for me besides give me awful diarrhea and some mild cramps. Some very minuscule clots have been coming out when I go to the bathroom and I am hoping by the time my next appointment comes (Tuesday next week) maybe the mass will be smaller. However, when the Dr called and I told him the pills were ineffective he seemed pretty sure that I will need a second d and c. We'll see. I really, really don't want another.

Tuesday I decided to let the kids ride their bikes on the dirt trail we usually walk across the street. Penny has become such a pro on the two wheeler and they were all desperate to try it. This was a very poor choice. There were some pretty sandy parts of the trail and every single kid biffed it- Penny fell multiple times. There was so much whining and crying from the girls- although they kept declaring they were having fun. At least they all enjoyed hanging in the trees at the end of the trail.

Wednesday and Thursday were rainy days. The kids actually still went out some and played in the rain but I stayed inside. I was feeling really down about the pill not working and things. I always kind of want an answer for why bad things happen and that's my biggest struggle in all this. I keep reading things from general conference articles that basically say that sometimes you have to trust but that's so hard.

Wednesday nights zoom youth activity was awkward. The girls gave room tours and no one was really wanting to take a turn and the girl in charge wasn't good at just telling people to go. Some of the girls really struggled with what to say about their room too. One girl was the opposite and went into every detail of her room. There were some serious awkward moments.

Friday the sun was shining again and it was a beautiful day. I was feeling more positive. We went for a bike ride over by the library and sat over by a nearby pond- Lucy and I read while the rest threw sticks into the water. It's one of those moments that just makes the day better. After that the kids spent a lot of their day jumping on the neighbor's trampoline and playing in his yard. Then that evening we picked up ice cream at Dairy Twist- the drive thru was packed but it was worth it. We took the ice cream home and watched "Homeward Bound." It was a good Friday.

Saturday was another magical weather day. After grocery shopping, I took just Steven on the nature trail across the street. Definitely a better trail with just me and him. Neither of us fell once, ha ha. Then later I took the other 3 on our usual trail by the library. Lucy decided to play photographer...

That afternoon I met my friends Caroline and Chalsea by the library and we all sat 6 feet apart and hung out. It was so nice to chat with my friends in person. It was refreshing.

On a whole other note, I do regret to tell you that Lucy had a mad case of pinworms this week. The worst thing I have ever done in my life is check her bum to confirm the suspicion. Revolting. We all took a lovely dose of Reese's Pinworm Medication (it's over the counter) and then I spent the week washing everyone's bedding daily and vacuuming floors daily. We were even more diligent about showers and hand washing. Lucy says she's cured and no one else seems to have gotten it so fingers crossed we're good.

To end on a better note- Penny had a long period where she wore scrunchies on her ankle. Apparently she was trying to start a new trend but as of recently, has given it up.

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