Saturday, May 23, 2020


This week I have been struggling with my body taking so long to get back to normal after this second surgery. I had really bad cramps Sunday so I resigned myself to resting upstairs but Monday the cramps weren't so bad so I tried to get back on track with life and clean the house but that really wiped me out. Tuesday I mostly took it easy. My biggest excursion was a nature walk on the other side of Commerce. We took Jacob along with us. Our usual trail was pretty flooded so we decided to take a left instead and discovered this really pretty trail that passes a little creek of sorts. The kids loved playing by the creek and we found ourselves there everyday for the rest of the week. 


Tuesday night I had a Young Women's Zoom activity and it went so well, I needed that because I had been feeling so down about my calling. The theme was "What I like about you" and everyone went around complimenting each other. We had a really good turn out and the girl's were giving such genuine and nice compliments that I think everyone left the activity feeling real good about themselves. We had dropped off a treat to everyone before it and a sheet to right down their compliments on and that probably contributed to it going so well. Afterwards my presidency stuck around and we had a good chat, I finally shared my miscarriage with them. Chalsea knew but Jenny B and Ashlee didn't. Honestly, it's nice to just have it out there and I wasn't too awkward about it. The next day I got flowers delivered to my door that were ordered by Jenny B and later in the week Ashlee brought me a treat and a sweet card. I really am grateful for all the support and love I've had in all this. I even got an Amazon package from my friend Rebekka with candy, 2 chick flicks, nail polish and a nice drawing notebook. I feel so loved.

Wednesday morning I went for a run and barely survived it. I was running at a snail pace but I felt like death when I got home. I felt so frustrated with how easily wiped I was. Unfortunately I think I probably shouldn't have gone for a run at all because that afternoon I got crampy again and had some pretty heavy bleeding. Once again just annoyed with my body for it's slow recovery. 

Before the cramps started we went on the walk to our new fav spot.

Wednesday we also had the Mays over in the afternoon. That's when I got crampy and started bleeding heavily so I was glad that they didn't stay too long. I spent the rest of the evening worrying about my body and trying to take it easy.

No running for me Thursday but we did do our nature walk. We decided to make it quite the outing- we brought a wagon with our baseball gear (there's a baseball field near the path), lunches and boots so they could properly play in the creek. The baseball playing was not a hit, I'm no good at making sports fun and I may or may not have accidentally hit Ben with the baseball. But they enjoyed picnicking and playing the creek and climbing trees. 

After dinner Thursday we all went back out to the baseball field so Tyler could properly teach the kids how to play baseball. He worked on having them catch balls and a little on hitting. They got bored with catching pretty quickly and didn't like taking turns when it was time to hit. I don't think baseball is their jam. Jacob keeps inviting himself on any outing we go on so he went too. He also was a complainer. 5 complaining kids was not super fun BUT they did have some good moments. Moments where they caught a ball or hit a ball and were real proud of themselves and those were good moments.

Friday was rainy and uneventful. When the weather cleared in the afternoon we went on our new fav trail but Jacob came too and his feet got wet and he wanted to go back home as soon as we got to the creek. I found that extremely frustrating. It's harder to deal with gripes that are not coming from your own children. Today, Saturday, the kids don't want to go on the trail at all so maybe they had too much of it and it's no longer there favorite trail. Who knows? Anyways, on our walk back from the trail we ran into a neighbor that I never properly met. She wanted the kids to pet her dogs and she was very chatty. Her husband was not. He got bored pretty quickly and left her but she probably could have chatted with me all afternoon. It's clear that so many of us are over this quarantine and ready to socialize and be with people again.

Saturday, today, has been spent grocery shopping and picking up new shoes at Kohl's. Later today I have a graduation car parade for one of my young women- that was a pain to coordinate and I will be so happy when it's done. After that I am having a meet up with a few friends at the library parking lot again. I am looking forward to that and wish it was time for that already! 

And here's a picture of the butterfly necklace that I picked out to remember Isaac with, it's made from seashells. I hadn't loved the one Tyler had gotten me so this is the replacement.

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