Saturday, February 1, 2020


Once again this Sunday I had a meeting before church and a meeting after church. Once again my friend took my kids home for me after church. This is a real nice set up and seems to be helping keep my kids from rioting too much. During one of these meetings it was established that the youth fundraiser will be selling mulch. Honestly I am not excited about this fundraiser at all. It requires passing out flyers door to door and then back breaking work of delivering and spreading mulch- none of that sounds fun. I wanted to do a color run but bishop was really vying for this mulch fundraiser. Surprisingly my girls liked his idea better- I think they view it as simpler but I think they will regret it when it comes time to deliver and spread it.

Monday evening I went over to one of my yw's house to invite her to be in charge of the Ward Talent Show. She said yes which is great because she's been pushing away from the church a bit and I think this will help get her back in. However, this is also the girl who has had some drama with another girl that I have been trying to help resolve and that night I realized it's just not going to get resolved. We were talking about other things and she brought up some different drama she was having with her school friends and how she's just too mature for them and she just can't wait to get to college. Ugh. If she wasn't edging out of church I would have condemned her on the spot, ha ha. It's like she's not aware that the person at the center of each drama issue is her. I left feeling discouraged because I was so hopeful that I could make peace with her and the other young women but she's just not ready to realize she has any part in the problem.

Tuesday I volunteered in the morning. I love the library but there are two other volunteers and I'm starting to feel superfluous. I'm getting tempted to come in on a different morning so I feel more useful. That afternoon I subbed for a second grade class at Kurtz and the class was amazing. It was a real easy afternoon. That evening we had our Youth Activity since we were helping at the Bishop's Storehouse which isn't open Wednesday nights. My younger girls are so wild and kept trying to avoid helping scrub out grocery bins but we eventually got the work done and they all seemed to have fun. Afterwards we went and got ice cream at McDonald's. I had said I'd treat them and then realized I had forgotten my wallet so that was super embarrassing. Thankfully another leader was willing to pay for me. I felt so stupid. After ice cream I drove two of the girls home and we listened to "The Greatest Showman" and they sang along. Honestly I really enjoy my nights with the youth.

Wednesday I subbed for a different second grade class that was equally amazing. Both classes are very small- 18 kids- and I think that was very much part of it. This week helped me remember why I love subbing. 

Thursday I did a trial run of Steven's birthday cake. I finished up Friday and my chocolate ganache drip definitely needs work- it all just dripped and puddled on the bottom. 

Also Thursday I did my taxes- which seemed to go more smoothly than usual. That either means I totally goofed somewhere, or I am getting the hang of it. We shall see. It will be nice to get that tax return though. It'll be so nice to have money in savings again.

Thursday evening I met Stefanie at Sweetwater Tea and Coffee in Milford. I got an over priced piece of cake and she got tea. We had a nice chat but the shop was doing an art gallery expo the next day and had decided to set it up before closing. They stood awkwardly by the table next to us with the pictures they wanted to hang up on the wall by us so we decided we'd move so as to stop being stared at. But then they got over to where we had moved to with more pictures to be hung so we moved again. It didn't end there. They got some curtain thing that they wanted to hang over the pictures so they stood by us again. We finally took that as our cue to go. Not great customer treatment there but at least Stefanie and I were able to catch up in between all the awkwardness.

Friday evening I went and did puzzles with my friend Melissa. She is the Seminary teacher so sometimes it's nice to chat with her about the yw and get her viewpoints and added info on things going on with them. Also I just really enjoy hanging out with her and doing puzzles so it was a good night.

Saturday we took a trip out to Somerset Mall for some much needed Chick Fil-A and then the kids always like to look at the Lego Store and the Disney Store. The Chick-Fil-A cow was also there in all is glory- strolling the mall. I am not really sure why since the line is always ridiculously long- they don't need to strum up business...But the kids were real excited by the cow and basically stalked it through the mall so they could give it a high five. 

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