Saturday, February 8, 2020

Guinea Pigs, Temple

This week was mostly subbing which made it pretty tiring. I subbed for a fourth grade class Tuesday afternoon and there were a few kids that were just determined to make it a rough day- messing around and causing fights with everyone. Wednesday I got called in last minute to sub all day in the Junior Kinder class that is next door to Penny's. That class is much more active than Penny's class but it was nice to have Penny randomly coming in throughout the day to give me hugs. It reminded me of how much I miss our days at home together. Thursday I subbed all day for a different fourth grade class. This one was pretty well behaved so the day went fairly smoothly. And Friday I subbed all day for Ben's class. Ben's class was Jekyll and Hyde. They were perfect angels in the morning but they came back from lunch and PE total monsters. The afternoon was difficult and super exhausting. This is probably the most I have ever subbed in a week and I am going to be honest, I did not love it. But the money will be nice and with Mid-Winter Break coming up, it was probably good to sub when given the opportunity.

Wednesday night for our Youth Activity the girls made hearts that we are going to be putting on people's doors in the near future. I feel a little off as president and especially that night. I don't know how to explain it exactly but I haven't felt fully committed to my calling lately. I wonder if that is normal? If your energy as president sort of ebbs and flows. I'm just kind of tired of girls who don't participate and their excuses and honestly a little tired of exerting lots of effort and seeing little results. Just a little worn down. I know that's a selfish attitude but just give me some time and I am sure I'll get back in the game.

Thursday night was an exciting night for Steven. I had been messaging the Humane Society about adopting guinea pigs- did you know they have guinea pigs? We had been looking into a male pair they had but the lady was being super picky and not impressed with our cage (yes I caved and bought the cage as an early birthday present instead of having him make one himself). She was saying the cage I had bought was too small and the pigs would squabble too much. But after asking if she had another suggestion, she told us they had a female pair that would work better. So Thursday night we went for an hour drive to a Petsmart in Chesterfield where we met Mariah and Maddie. Steven was immediately smitten and we went home with 2 guinea pigs. He kept the one named Mariah since he likes his Aunt Mariah and he renamed the other one Pearl. It is the fluffier one and it has some fur that is kind of Pearly (you can't really see it in the pic though). 

I'm not sure why I caved and let him get them. Maybe because they are easier than a dog but maybe more fun than a fish? Maybe because at least he wasn't asking me for a cell phone or a tablet or some other annoying electronic? Maybe because I loved my pet birds growing up so much? Or maybe he just finally wore me down, ha ha. But here we are pet owners and already their are wood shavings ALL over my house and I am going a little crazy so wish me luck.

Friday night I took Steven and his friend, Gavin, to do Baptisms for the Dead at the temple. This was nice, I always enjoy the peace of the temple but I did feel a little out of place just sitting and watching. I've got to find something else to do next time he goes- maybe initiatories? After they finished I took them to Wendy's for frosty's. It was a good little outing and I am grateful for a kid who likes going to the temple- this was his suggestion.

Saturday I had to play the piano for a baptism. Because I had been working all week I didn't have the chance to practice as much as I needed so I pretty much stumbled through the songs but at least I made it through them. Tonight I get to go watch one of my Young Women perform in "Once Upon a Mattress." I hope it's a good rendition because I could use a good escape.

Penny told me the other day that her friend at school had the "flues" I love that she calls the flu the flues. It makes it sound slightly less awful.

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