Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mid Winter Break

This week was mid winter break which meant I had all the kids home for the whole week. In actuality Penny only had Monday and Tuesday off (since she's in a different school district than the rest) but I had her play hooky the rest of the week because it didn't feel right to send her to pretend Kindergarten while everyone else stayed home and played. I had asked her teacher what her thoughts were on keeping Penny home and she had heartily encouraged me to keep her home all week. Her teacher's enthusiasm made me wonder if Penny is really as well behaved as she has previously claimed.

On Monday I decided to take the kids to Chuck-e-Cheese. I had considered going to the Toledo Zoo but when I saw that they had free admission for residents on Mondays and with Monday being a holiday, I decided I should avoid those crowds. Plus Chuck-e-Cheese is inside which means I don't have to be cold. The kids had fun as per usual and it helped the day to pass by a little more quickly.

Tuesday we watched the Bloomfield kids which meant I had 3 extra kids all day. The younger 2 boys get real crazy when combined with my kids so it was pretty noisy in my house and crazy. I decided we needed to get out so I piled them in the car and took them to the library. Things did not go so well in the beginning. I am super embarrassed to admit that I left the youngest boy (who is 5) in the car. We had all piled out (or so I thought based on all the doors slamming shut) so I locked the doors and our crazy big group headed in. We turned in the books we had brought back, looked at DVD's, headed to the children's section...and then I was looking around and realized someone was missing. I asked all the other kids if they had seen Jessie and they were all unsure. Ben suggested checking the car and my heart sunk- had we really left Jessie in the car??? Plus he was 5, couldn't he open the door?? Sure enough, he was in the car. Thankfully he wasn't upset, he was just playing on his brother's tablet that had been left in the car. The locks were different then his car so when he realized he was stuck he just entertained himself with the tablet. I felt like the worst babysitter ever. The rest of the outing was fine. The kids calmed down and had a good time hanging out there. I met the Grandma of one of Lucy's friends and had a good chat with her. Then I played Apples to Apples with Alissa and Steven. That was fun. So if it weren't for leaving a child in the car- it would've been the perfect outing.

Tuesday evening I went to my friend Corinne's house to help with her baby while she did dinner and bedtime routine for her other kiddo (her hubby was working late). I forgot how weak I am until I have to hold a 11 lb baby for a long period of time. He was real cute but got pretty fussy the second half of the night and I always struggle with fussiness when it's not my kid. I just wanted to hand him back and say fix him, ha ha, but I was there to help so I did a lot of back patting and bouncing.

Wednesday I watched the Bloomfield's 2 younger boys (I am surprised they trusted me again). The Bloomfield's oldest, Alissa, had gone to a friend's house for the day. My girls had a play date with a new friend that morning so that helped things to be a little less crazy. I was grateful for that. It was a pretty uneventful day with no children being left in the car.

Thursday we met the May's at The Commons- it's that fancy church that has an indoor soccer field and play place. It was a real nice outing because they all played so well together so I was just able to sit and chat with Caroline. 

Friday I took the kids to see "Frozen 2". The girls had seen it already but the boys hadn't and it was still at the cheap theater so it seemed like a good outing. While we were waiting in line to get tickets the people around me were real chatty- asking me if the kids were on break, telling me about the movies they like to see, showing me pictures of their grandchildren--- it was a loooong wait ;) I felt a lot like my daddy chatting with all these strangers. When at last we watched the movie, the kids all seemed to enjoy it. 

That evening I had a late nighter at my house with my Young Women. We ended up with 9 girls and 5 leaders. I had left a puzzle out and that was a good choice- my more reserved young women really liked working on that. They even finished it and then finished another later that night. Some of my younger Young Women got real crazy at some points- playing with Ben's plastic weapons. I actually had to take the "weapons" and put them in the basement. Oi. We had one mom who came to do hair (Melissa Bloomfield) and all the girls really seemed to love it. We also had a leader do nails. At one point we went and delivered "heart attacks" to people. That was a quite the experience for the 3 girls in my car. 

The first door we went to put hearts on was Corinne's but we had the joy of arriving at her house right when her husband pulled into the driveway. He totally knows me and saw me- caught. So I told the girls just to tell him that we wanted to heart attack his wife. They did so and he said he'd keep her away from the door but he didn't. As they were putting hearts on the door she peeked out and said "hello". SO much for surprising her.

For the second house I got lost- so lost. And we drove in circles FOREVER before finding their house. It was really embarrassing and I ignored one of the girl's advice for finding it- which turned out to be the right advice. I felt so bad. Anyways as they finished it up the light turned on and instead of running to the car- one ran back to grab a fallen heart. Caught again.

The third house went fairly smoothly. When we finished that house Alissa suggested we do a couple of her neighbors. I thought this was such a nice idea but it turned out to be super traumatizing. Megan and I went to the one's door while Alissa and Abbie went to the others. Unfortunately as we were finishing sticking hearts on the door someone pounded on it from the other side scaring me and Megan to death and we fled. I thought that was a good idea but they didn't stop at pounding. She came out yelling at us "What the **** are you doing!?" etc, etc. Me and my non confrontational self wanted to just get in the car and flee but Alissa and Abbie were still out. The lady started taking my license plate down and I realized I was not going to be able to avoid confrontation so by that time Alissa was back trying to explain- hey I live right there, I was trying to do something nice- I went out and we all just apologized profusely. Eventually she understood and things were smoothed over but oh my goodness. It was awful.

When we got back to my house I was so frazzled. I felt like a giant emotional, embarrassed mess and I wanted to just hide in my room but the party wasn't over. I had Melissa do my hair and that helped calm me down some. The other girls filtered back in and we all swapped stories. Then their was more nail painting, the starting and finishing of a second puzzle, and the guinea pigs were brought out. The girls also heart attacked my door and left hearts in random places around my house (on the garbage lid, and on the toilet were 2 of the most randomest places ;) ) and that was really nice. I hope all my young women had a good time and that I didn't traumatize them too much. Glad to be done and not sure how I feel that we have plans to do this again in April. Definitely will probably never heart attack again.

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