Saturday, January 25, 2020


I survived my first Sunday with super early Ward Council, then church and afterwards Ward Youth Council. To compound the fun of it all, I was having some bad drainage in my throat so my voice kept giving out on me. I was also super achy from a workout that I had did on Friday. I was pretty convinced that I was coming down with the flu but it turns out the throat and aches were unrelated- though completely miserable when had together. After church I was beat and spent the rest of the day on "bed rest." Which quite honestly was not fun since my body just ached so bad.

Monday I finally gave in and took some Advil and Tylenol. I don't know why I am so anti medicine but I usually procrastinate taking it until I just can't cope any longer. I am glad I gave in. I felt so much better. Since the kids were off for MLK day we decided to use some money Grams and Poppy had sent us and take them bowling. We got the girls a lane with bumpers and the boys a lane without. At first the boys were really upset that they didn't have bumpers but once they started getting the hang of bowling they stopped minding. They each played 2 games and I think they had a lot of fun.

Tuesday the kids went back to school and I did some Yoga to try to fix my still aching back (I will never ever lift heavier weights than I can handle- it took until Thursday for my back to feel ok without pain killers). It sort of helped but then afterwards I had an eye appt and they made me sit and wait a lot and then my back started to hurt real bad again. The eye appt in itself was a waste. They dilated my eyes and shined bright lights in them, just to tell me the same thing. Your retina is still attached but floaters could be a precursor to it detaching out. Lame.

Wednesday Lucy had a Dr's appt in the morning. They prescribed us some cream to treat the never ending rash she has at the corner of her mouth. Hopefully it helps. She also got a flu shot and she only panicked a bit. Afterwards I went and bought her a mini bundt cake to celebrate her surviving the shot (plus she had filled up her jewel jar and been requesting the cake). We went home and she had lunch and then ate the cake because sometimes we are responsible and eat food before dessert. It was a real nice morning just Lucy and me. Once she was full of food I took her back to school.

Wednesday night we had a real fun youth activity where the girls played a get to know you game, a girls camp game and then learned how to fold paper cranes. It was fun to see all the girls interacting and showing some unity. Also fun that one of my shyer girls led the making of paper cranes and it was so nice to see her shine for once.

Friday Penny got a snow day but the other kids did not. Huron Valley Schools have a lot of back roads that can't handle any weather. Penny and I went to her favorite place- the mall- where she played and we ate yummy pretzels. Afterwards my friend Chalsea and her kid came over to hang out. It felt like the old days. It was real nice. 

Saturday Tyler had Ham radio responsibilities and the rest of us had a lazy day in. The kids had friends over and played the day away. 

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