Saturday, February 15, 2020

Steven is 12

Poor Steven had a pretty bad cough on his birthday but the silver lining was that he didn't have to go to school on his birthday. He started his morning with Lucky Charms and opening birthday cards from my family (unfortunately no gifts to open from us since he already had received the guinea pig cage from us). I made him take a picture with the guinea pigs to help remind of his birthday gift.

I spent his birthday morning cleaning while he laid on the couch playing games on the phone. Then for lunch we went out to Subway. After lunch I had an afternoon sub job and for the first time ever I left Steven home alone sick while I worked (and on his birthday none the less). I think he was quite happy to have the house to himself and just play video games. That night we were going to go out to Chili's to celebrate but Steven was not feeling up to it. Having just subbed the afternoon I had been looking forward to not making dinner so I was extremely disappointed that I had to cook something. I may or may not have lashed out at Steven more than I should have because I really, really didn't want to cook. Not proud of myself- I've been way too easily irritated lately. 

Tuesday was volunteering and catching up on life. Then that evening we had Bunco and I had amazing luck- I got 4 BUNCO's!! I think that's only happened like once before. I ended up winning a prize- a nice necklace. We also had a baby shower/going away party for one of the ladies in the group. I always enjoyed hanging out with this lady one on one but in a group she had kind of an loud personality and she spread this habit of saying "listen" at the beginning of every sentence to several of her friends in the ward. So though she drove me crazy, I am bummed that we are losing more people in our ward.

Wednesday I visited Jessica and it was nice to hang with her, if only for a bit. She said she was having a rough week last week but snapped out of it and she seems to be doing well with everything. She really impresses me with how she handles having cancer, working, and taking care of her family. After my visit I picked up 2 of Caroline's kid and brought them to Defy (an indoor trampoline park) so she could take her youngest to the doctor. Caroline has pneumonia and her youngest has a severe ear infection. They are going through a rough time health wise.

That evening we did Baptisms for the Dead for our Youth Activity. I was a little perturbed because the Bishop had told me that we were only supposed to bring 7 YW and 7 YM and if you know me at all you know I am a rule follower so I made sure we only invited 7 YW. Apparently that wasn't a hard and fast number because he brought more like 11 YM. He also re-invited a girl that I had told wouldn't be able to come because we had 7 people already. I wish he had just told me it was a more flexible number and then I could have invited her. I felt like he made me look like the bad guy but oh well. You live, you learn. Driving home I was giving 2 girls a ride and it was craziness- the girls and Steven were all throwing garbage from the car at each other. Totally seemed like I was watching some flirting going down.

Thursday morning was a YW's presidency meeting- our young women have lots of things going on in their lives so we spent a lot of time trying to talk about what we can do for them. That afternoon I started on the beast that was Steven's cake. I had so many issues making that cake and it took me until Friday afternoon to finish it. Issue #1- one of my cake layers got stuck in the pan. Issue #2- my drip on top went totally crazy (it was too thick so I microwaved it and then it was too thin) so I ended up scrapping it off. Issue #3- I dropped the cake on the stove top- had to frost again. Issue #4- I had just finished my second round of dripping ganache on top, put in the fridge and a box in the fridge fell on it. It was like the elements were against me. But in the end it turned out pretty good.

Thursday night we ended up going out to Chili's for Steven's belated birthday dinner. It was a good outing and the kids even got complimented by the people at the table next to us for how nicely they were behaving. That always feels good. 

Friday was Valentine's Day. I gave each of the kids a love gift and Grams and Poppy Brady sent them Valentine's and $5. And that was about the extent of Valentine's celebrating in our house. The younger 3 of course had party's at school and I was able to attend Penny's. Her party was pretty fun until she spilled some sprinkles on the floor and her teacher jokingly said she could vacuum them up and then Penny started to cry because she felt like she was in trouble. She is such my kid. I hate getting in trouble.

For Valentine's Day I got Tyler a Dad Jokes Calendar and Oreo's. He got me flowers, a Lego cactus key chain (so I didn't have to have his Steven key chain any more) and Girl Scout cookies.

Saturday morning was Steven's birthday party. Tyler took all our kids plus Steven's 3 friends to see "Sonic." It was real nice to have the house to myself for a bit. Then they all came back and had pizza, played Nintendo games and then had cake and ice cream. Steven's friend Adam did not get along well with his friend Max. They fought over holding guinea pigs, they fought over who was Steven's closer friend and they just butted heads. And instead of Steven creating peace, he sided with Max. His other friend, Evan, basically just steered clear of the drama and did his own thing. He's a good kid. Maybe we need to go back to just inviting one friend to birthday parties if they are always going to be this dramatic.  

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