Saturday, February 29, 2020

February Ends

Young Women's on Sunday was not my favorite. All the girls were struggling to focus- they were on their phones a lot and whispering/ passing notes to each other. It was a Young Woman teaching and I felt bad for her but unsure how to handle it- it's not the same as subbing, it's such a different environment and I have a lot of yw who are on the fence with church these days that I don't want to drive away. I ended up doing nothing because I know this isn't their traditional behavior but next time we meet, I am teaching and I think I will preface my lesson with something about it because I also don't want this to become a habit. It's just really hard to be the one in charge and I often struggle with knowing what to do.

Monday it was so nice to have the kids back in school and finally be able to give the house a proper cleaning and organizing. I was also able to run some errands. It was good to be back in the swing of things except it was short lived. The kids ended up having a snow days Wednesday and Thursday. There wasn't that much snow but I think the schools were just trying to use up the snow days that are built into the schedule- I think we've only had one before this. Penny was bummed about the Snow Day Wednesday because I was supposed to come in and help in her classroom. And Thursday Lucy was bummed about the Snow Day because it was her I-Pad day in class. Poor things. I was bummed Thursday because I had a dentist appt and Ben had an orthodontist appt and now I had all the kids home. Tyler ended up working from Thursday so I didn't have to leave Steven in charge.

My dentist appt Thursday was not great. In cleaning my teeth, a filling that was coming out officially came out. It looks like it will probably need a root canal because there is decay under it and the decay is close to the roots. Ugh. Soon all my teeth will be crowns. 

The good Thursday was that Steven got to go to lunch and see "Call of the Wild" with his friend Adam. I still don't love this friend. Did I tell you the recent "drama"? I was reading recent text messages from Adam to Steven on the "landline" and Adam was berating Steven for not being able to go anywhere or play video games on Sundays- he was telling him that was stupid and boring. Steven responded with a "no it's not. it's fun." The kid continued to tell him it was boring and stupid. I am glad that Steven defended his Sunday behavior and stayed strong but I am feeling less and less impressed with Adam.

Friday I subbed all day. I usually love this class but they were so chatty in the afternoon and they drove me batty. I don't know if it was coming back from snow days that made them crazy or if maybe it was the fact that I hadn't subbed for awhile so maybe my standards were too high. All I know was it was exhausting and I was glad to be home when all was done.

Today, Saturday, I have a Stake Leadership meeting in the afternoon and was asked to play prelude and accompany the opening hymn. I am soooo nervous. These days I can't seem to play without making mistakes and this is in the stake center with lots of big important people. Ugh. Maybe if I do terrible the perk will be that they never ask me again?

And this week I decided to make something to track the books that I read this year. It has it flaws but it will do.

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