Saturday, March 7, 2020

Toledo Zoo

I survived playing the piano at the Stake Leadership Meeting last Saturday- my tempo was way off but at least I hit the right notes. I will be happy to never play at a stake function again. I was a ridiculous, sweaty mess.

Sunday was Stake Conference and that's always a welcome break since it means no meetings before or after church. After church the kids found entertainment in the guinea pigs. Ben pushed Pearl around in a stroller and Steven put Mariah in a toy dog carrier. These poor piggies.

Monday I was able to sub for Penny's class. I love subbing for her class- it's so easy and fun to be with her. They had an author visit from Kelsey Fox who is not a known author- I don't think you can find her books at any bookstores- but it was a cute book called "Just Try It Wyatt." I wonder if I could self publish a book and get paid to go visit schools and advertise it- sounds like a good life to me.

Monday around 5:30 I went and watched my friend's baby so she could take her daughter to soccer. I don't think she realizes what an inconvenience that is for me to leave my family around dinnertime, especially after working all day but honestly it is. I would never ask someone with kids of their own to do that for me and I especially wouldn't make them come to me but she is such a germaphobic and scared to take her baby in public (and even around my kids). I am trying to be nice about it since I'm her minister and she hasn't asked for much from me since having the baby but ugh. It doesn't help that her baby is super fussy so it makes time drag. 

Tuesday I subbed for a second grade class in the morning and then that afternoon Steven,Ben and Lucy had a half day and a dentist appointment to go to. The dentist said that none of them have cavities which was a lovely surprise.

Wednesday Steven had his Spring band concert and I failed to take any pictures. We were not super close to the stage and we were all ready to go home afterwards so hence no photo ops. He was real excited about the concert and I was real impressed with how his band performed. I think they were way better than the other middle school band concert I had attended last week. Just saying...

Thursday morning I went in to my dentist to get my tooth fixed. It was all good until he stuck a file in my root because he needed to take an xray and then told me I couldn't bite down or it would lodge into my root. Then they took forever to get the xray and I thought I was going to die trying to keep my mouth open wide. Then he took the xray and decided I needed to go to an endodontist because he said there were 2 roots but he couldn't find the second. That's a new one. So that afternoon I went to an endodontist and they were all perplexed by why I was there. They didn't see another root and left a temporary filling on it and told me to just let things simmer for a month. That whole side of my mouth has been pretty uncomfortable since and I might be calling before that month is over.

Friday I had no plans and plenty of things I should be doing but wanted to procrastinate. I have been in such a lazy mood lately. Tyler ended up coming home at lunch time so we went out to lunch and then he worked from home the rest of the day. It was nice to just hang out. I did accomplish some things like ordering supplies for the guinea pigs, sending out invites to Ben's party but overall it was a real lazy day. 

To make up for my laziness, Friday night I went with my friend Caroline, her son and my son, and 2 of my young women to do baptisms for the dead at the temple. The car ride was crazy loud and my driving skills were not on point but we made it and the kids all had a good experience. Caroline and me even did some confirmations. Afterwards we got our traditional Frosty's, only to find out that they only had Vanilla Frosty's because of a truck strike. So lame. Dropping everyone off was a lot, especially since Steven was super complaining about it all. But I survived and I want to keep up this tradition of taking Steven and some friends to do Baptisms for the Dead every first Friday. It'll be my way of keeping the youth temple focused.

Saturday we decided to have a family day so after a stop at Chick-Fil-A, we went to the Toledo Zoo. We basically visited the half that we didn't see the last time we were there. It was a lot of fun- we got to see a Cassowary (who looked like a cross between an ostrich and turkey), a vulture (who was building a nest), a snowy owl (that looked like Hedwig), the aquarium (the kids got to pet sting rays) and we saw lots of primates. I really love primates- especially the gorilla that was right by the glass and the big hairy orangutan. I think this might have been the better half of the zoo. I also think this zoo will be even more fun when the weather is warm. It has lots of play areas and a splash pad and just lots to see.

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