Friday, March 30, 2018

Sunday Best & Ben Turns 8

Since we have General Conference on Easter, I had the kids do their Easter Sunday Best pictures the week before Easter. I did buy identical dresses for Penny and Lucy this year but I took a risk and bought them off Amazon from a place based in China. They took a month to arrive and Penny's dress was just as long as Lucy's. I could have tried to exchange Penny's but it would have taken another month which would have it coming way past Easter. Instead I just went to Walmart and got Penny a dress that at least matched Lucy. 

The kids are always super difficult to get group pictures of and these ones were no different, as you can see Penny was in a dancing mood. I finally had to let her take a "dance break" and then we did group shots. They are some crazy monkeys but they sure are cute, crazy monkeys.

Monday I about had a nervous breakdown due to Walmart being ridiculous. Here goes the extremely long story... So I have been doing grocery pick up at Walmart since about December and I have had zero problems with it. I order the groceries, I get an email that they are ready and I go get them. They have always been ready right on time and they always come out promptly. Well on Monday I had chosen the 9-10am slot and 10am came and I still hadn't gotten an email. This is really weird because I always get one right at the beginning of the time slot. So I called the store to see what was up. Well after some time I finally got a hold of someone who said they would look into it and then call me back. 30 minutes later still no call so I decided to call the corporate Walmart grocery line. They had me on hold for twenty minutes and then they told me that my groceries were ready and they were coming outside to give them to me. I explained that I was still at home but I would head over asasp. So I called the store again and said I would be there in 10 minutes. Well I arrive and these people come out with one small basket which I know isn't mine. They say sorry, wrong person and disappear. 15 minutes later still no one else comes out. I am the only one in the lot and I am feeling frustrated so I call the store. As I am talking to someone in the store a lady comes out- with NO groceries. She explains she just came in and doesn't know what's going on. I try to, without being to mean, explain the situation. She comes back out with the manager who says my groceries are still not ready. I ask how much longer and she says 15 minutes. I figure I can wait 15 minutes because it still beats me having to go in and do this myself. However, 30 minutes later she comes out with still NO groceries. I am so frustrated that I tell her just to cancel it, she says she'll give me a $20 giftcard as an apology. I figure fine, whatever. Well later when I use said gift card it turns out it only has $10 on it. Argh. The whole thing was just so frustrating. Really all I wanted to know was when my groceries were going to be ready so I could plan accordingly. Instead I wasted my time (that I could have been grocery shopping) waiting in vain for them. I have loved using their pick up and now I am scared to try it again. I realize places can have off days, they said they were understaffed that day and that it was the managers first day but some honesty could have gone a LONG ways. I had to leave that disaster to pick up Tyler from the airport and then we went grocery shopping together which made it somewhat better but still, I am at a loss of what to do next week. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I subbed and by the end of those 2 days I was worn out. Thankfully no work for me Thursday! Me and Penny took it very easy, besides a dentist appointment in which I had a red spot on her gum looked out. She melted down so bad and it was a really rough appointment but the good news- the redness was from a scratch on the gum, not an infected tooth.

Also Thursday was Ben's eight birthday! To start his day he got to open his gifts. He had asked his Grams and Poppy Hatch for a Pikachu doll and Pokemon cards and they provided. His best friend Andrea is super into Pokemon and so he seems to have caught the Pokemon bug from her. He was so excited to finally have some Pokemon cards and he seemed way more into those then he did the Lego set and TMNT sword and mask we got him. He even used Grams and Poppy Brady's birthday money to buy more cards.

Ben had jammie day at school and brought a treat to share. I wasn't able to come in because of Penny's dentist appointment but he seemed like he had a good day. After school, his best friend Andrea came over and we had pizza and a Lloyd Ninjago cake (made by Tyler). 

After we stuffed ourselves we changed into swimsuits and went to Splash Universe. Traffic was awful so it took a LONG time to get there but once there, everyone had a blast. Ben and Andrea were everywhere- the splash playground, the lazy river, the slides... Giggling and being goof balls. Steven took Lucy under his wing and managed to get her to finally try the big slides. She of course loved them. They also spent a lot of time on the Splash Playground. And Penny made us do at least 15 laps in the lazy river and then spent a ton of time going on the slide in the toddler splash area. They had so much fun that we didn't head home until 9pm which made for a late night but totally worth it.

Ben really is a sweet boy who will still give me hugs and cuddle with me. He also loves when I am subbing and visit him at lunch, he still isn't too cool to hang with his mom. He really does not like getting in trouble and can easily be redirected to the right thing. I love this boy and can't wait for him to be baptized in 2 weeks!

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