Saturday, March 24, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

On Tuesday Steven began his treatment for his overbite at the orthodontist. This meant we had to fork over $1800 to the place, it was painful. All they did for his first visit was stick a rubber band around two of his teeth. This is to create space so they can put rings around these teeth that will attach to an expander. It was a lot of effort to get him out of school and to this appt, only to have one of the rubber bands fall out a few hours later *sigh*. Apparently they will fall out if there is already space around the tooth.

Tuesday night I went to a class on "Spring Doodles" with a couple ladies from church. I love hand lettering but the doodles I add can definitely use some work. I learned at the class that my watercolor pencils can actually be used like watercolors. You draw it on the paper and then the color can be spread with a water brush. It was pretty cool to learn how I was supposed to be using something that I've had forever. I had a good time hanging with some friends and learning new things. 

Wednesday I subbed for a fourth grade class and it wasn't a super fun day. I was in the hallway taking the class back to their room when we hit a traffic jam. It got kind of noisy due to their being 3 classes in the hall but as soon as the 2 cleared out and we were able to start moving, a teacher came out and decided to chew out the class I was subbing for. She went on and on about how they were being bad examples to her Kindergarten students. The Principal happened to walk by and stop and listen to some of the lecture, super fun. It was frustrating because it really hadn't been just them making the noise. After we got back to our classroom, the principal came in and decided to observe for a bit. Thankfully it was DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read) and all the kids were quiet and reading so hopefully he doesn't think I am a completely hopeless sub.

Thursday Lucy went to the dentist and we finished off her dental work. Despite the issues I've had with that place I was really impressed with the dentist that did her work- we had a different one do it this time. She was able to really calm down Lucy and get her through getting 4 cavities filled. Afterwards we got Frosty's and it was fun to watch Lucy drool some major Frosty drool since both sides of her mouth were numb.

Thursday night I went to a friend's house. Her husband was out of town so I kept her company, we worked on a Michigan puzzle that my mom had given me. It was super relaxing to make a puzzle and chat the night away. This is my friend that miscarried and she really opened up about things. I know I said this before but every time I talk with her I realize just how blessed I am with my 4 healthy babies. She really helps put my life in perspective and keep me grateful. And I really really want her husband to find a job here so they don't have to move to Boston.

Friday Tyler was off work because he was flying to AZ for his dad's surprise party that weekend. He ran some errands with Penny and me that morning and it was super nice just hanging out with him. We got some succulents to put on a new shelf I got for the downstairs bathroom (I was so not into the over the toilet metal shelf we had before). I am really feeling happy with our downstairs bathroom now.

That afternoon I drove Tyler to the airport, only to have him wait there for a million hours because he ended up taking a flight that left 4 hours later. They asked if anyone was willing to go on a later flight, and he was. He basically made back the cost of his flight because they gave him a $400 gift card to do it- pretty awesome! I view it as a tender mercy. It was kind of a struggle to give up that money for him to fly home for the party but he did a good thing going and it all worked out.

Today, Saturday, I wanted to keep busy so they day wouldn't drag on and I feel like I've been successful. We went to an Easter Egg hunt in the morning that was fun for the kids. It was super cold but it didn't bother me as much as it normally does (maybe I am finally learning how to layer correctly?). There were a ton of kids on the younger age field so the girls didn't get a lot of eggs- Penny only got 3- but I was ok with that. They don't need a lot. The older kid field was a disaster. The kids in the front of the line did not listen and started getting eggs before they were supposed to so the lady just said to go ahead. I thought that was so terrible that the older kids were the ones not to listen but the boys still ended up with too many eggs. I had them toss some back because I knew there were some late comers but these awful kids with overflowing baskets immediately snatched them up. Urgh. 

After the Easter Egg hunt we had lunch, and then went to the library. All these things helped to fill up the day and now it's almost over. Now to just get through Sunday without a husband. He'll be back Monday so I am almost halfway through!

And funny note- the kids finished the first Percy Jackson book so I let them watch the movie. There is a character they call smelly Gabe and Lucy exclaimed, "I wish I was smelly Lucy!" 

And sweet moment- Ben is having Andrea over for his birthday this week and when I asked him what kind of cake he wanted he said chocolate at first and then quickly changed to vanilla because he knew Andrea doesn't like chocolate. He's a good friend.

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