Saturday, March 10, 2018

Teeth, Fancy Nancy, Mystery Reader

Monday was my usual clean house day and I also watched my friend's son, Brooks. I love watching him because he and Penny get along really well, it makes for an easy day. 

Tuesday I had a sub job and Tyler worked from home so he could take Penny to the dentist to get all her teeth fixed. I am actually glad I didn't have to take her because he said she was really upset the whole time and that's really hard for me to watch. Thankfully the medicine did it's job and she doesn't seem to remember being traumatized and thankfully she didn't lose any teeth. And now, $500 later, she has a very pretty smile and a couple more silver teeth.  

Wednesday morning I got a reminder that it was "dress like your favorite storybook character" day. I don't remember ever hearing about this before but that's ok, we made it work! We decided she would be Fancy Nancy and we accessorized like crazy. I just wish I knew how to curl hair so she could've been a more legit Fancy Nancy.  

Wednesday afternoon I got to be the Mystery Reader in Ben's class. It was a lot of fun! The teacher gave them some clues and Ben was able to guess it was me coming. Then I came in and read them 2 books: Creepy Underwear and The Princess and the Pony. They really seemed to love these silly books and I really enjoyed reading them. I wish I made more time to volunteer in my kid's classrooms, I really like being in them and not being the substitute ;)

On Thursday I subbed for a fifth grade teacher that I had never subbed for before. It was such an easy morning- he team teaches with another teacher so I basically was just there for crowd control while she taught. And since the class is really well behaved, it was super easy. The teacher came back early (it was just a morning sub job) and his class was at PE so I went to see if Ben's teacher needed anything. When I hit time to go I went to go check out and found out the office had been looking for me. It turned out this teacher's son was sick and they needed me to stay the whole day. I was glad I hadn't tried to skip out early and I was happy to stay the whole day since it was such an easy job. During read aloud that afternoon I read this book called "Fish in a Tree". The main character has dyslexia and get's teased a lot. I loved a line in it that said, "Just because someone says it, doesn't mean it's true." I had been talking to a friend whose daughter had gotten teased earlier and it had made me wonder what I would tell my own kids if they were in that situation. This is definitely one thing I will tell them. I want to read the whole book now because I feel like it might give me some good talking points with my kids.

On Friday we had a friend and her daughter over. My friend is super nice and complimented my house a lot, it was a welcome change. I feel like her positivity is good for me- I just wish our kids got along better. They never wanted to do the same thing and had some fights over sharing things. Penny was extra irritable (tired) that morning so it probably didn't help but I just feel like they typically don't get along well anyways which stinks.

Friday afternoon the kids had a half day so we rented "Coco." I really liked that movie, I felt like it was a good one to push the importance of family history, good overall theme.

Also this week we started listening to "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief" in the car. The kids had saw a preview to the movie and said they wanted to watch it, I told them they had to read the book first. We couldn't find the book at the library but we did find the audio book and it's been fun. The boys have both really seemed to enjoy the story and there is a lot less fighting in the car now- not to mention that actually get excited to get in the car. I am just super happy that Steven is finally "reading" a book that is not a graphic novel. At the pace we're going we should be done in less than 2 weeks. I hope the excitement for the story continues! 

And my chairs came this week! I am so happy that I finally have  matching chairs at the dining room table and I am really happy with the chairs themselves. They look nice, they're actually pretty comfy and the legs can be stained so we could actually stain them to match the table. I was weary based on some of the reviews that I might get some lemons in the bunch but all 8 of our chairs are good to go and I literally could not have beaten the price. I paid $180 for 8 chairs, everywhere I had been looking I would have had to pay at least $60 a chair. So yes, I am quite proud of myself :)

Last note, we took the boys to the Orthodontist today and I knew it wouldn't be cheap but I didn't realize just how bad it would be. With our insurance, which has the lowest LIFETIME maximum, it will cost $1800 for Steven to get an expander and another mouth device that is to help prevent thumb sucking (yes he still does this at nights). He also might get a couple braces on his front teeth. And this is all just precursor work. Eventually, down the road, he will still need the whole shebang. It's not that we don't have the money, it's just there a million other things I would rather spend it on and a part of me is just not sure it's worth it. Ugh, why must my children have the most expensive teeth ever?

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