Saturday, March 17, 2018


On Saturday Tyler got a fancy Ham Radio polo shirt because he can now administer Ham Radio tests. I thought he looked real nice in the shirt and I actually got him to smile nicely. 

Apparently winter germs are not letting up here in Michigan, this week I had lots of requests to sub but because of previous requests or plans I had to turn down a lot of jobs. I ended up just subbing Monday and Friday afternoon- both days for the same teacher, Mrs. Rupp. I swear she keeps me employed, I feel like I sub for her on a weekly basis. Her class used to be better but they seem to be getting crazier as we approach the end of the year. Lots of fighting over silly things like who is first in line and also lots of side conversations when I am trying to teach- super fun.

Tuesday was my only calm day. I was able to buy Ben new snow pants (he blew out the crotch in his old ones- don't ask me how). I was grateful that I found a pair for $3 at Salvation Army since winter is almost over. I tried to get Penny to nap that afternoon but she refused, maybe she is done with naps again? That night I had Bunco and had a blast as always. I got a prize for having the second highest score. Somehow I got lucky and got a Bunco literally the last roll of one round and another Bunco the first roll of a different round. It's always fun when that happens! My prize was a candy dish with a bunny in the middle, a nice Easter decoration for our house.

Wednesday Steven went to the dentist to get a cavity fixed and -thanks to the Orthodontist- we were able to point out another bum tooth. He ended up having to get that tooth pulled- I am seriously doubting the abilities of our current dentist. How on earth do they keep missing these things? Thankfully it doesn't look like he will need a spacer since the adult tooth should be coming in soon. I know I should probably leave this dentist but it is such an ordeal to start all 4 kids up at a new dentist, I stupidly am wanting to give them just one more chance before I leave. I will probably regret that.

Wednesday night we had the Laci's family over for dinner (her hubby was out of town). I made my usual spaghetti pizza because I figured it's super kid friendly. Unfortunately I was incorrect- neither of her kids wanted anything to do with it. It made me feel a little bit better about my picky eaters, ha ha!

Thursday was a crazy day. I had a primary meeting in the morning and then I watched a friend's kid- same kid I spoke about last time that does not get along with Penny. They really, really, really don't get along. And she is also super needy and she kept insisting I play with her since Penny wouldn't. This meant no break for me.

After she had been over for a couple hours, I had to take her along with us to take Laci to the airport. Laci's grandma had passed away and so with her husband out of town she needed a ride to the airport and Laci's kids, of course, came along with. It was a rough ride. Laci's kids started crying as soon as I dropped Laci off and the kid I was watching began freaking out because "it was too loud" and in protest threw a granola bar at one of Laci's kids making her sob louder and just a really awful car ride. 

When I got home from dropping off Laci's kids and my other friend's kid off, I had to rush to feed the kids and get them ready for Leadership Night. Oi. The kids each sang a cute song with their grade level about one of the 7 habits and I was really proud of them because they were actually singing and smiling. I think I would've enjoyed it more if hadn't been such a super long day.

Friday I did a lot of socializing. I hung out with my friend who had miscarried and I felt good to be able to keep her company and pull her out of her sadness a bit. We have a lot of similar feelings about things so I enjoy hanging with her, plus she's a working mom which I can totally sympathize with. 

After that I went to another friend's house, Sarah. Sadly Sarah is moving so we talked a lot about that. It makes me sad that people keep moving away. At noon I left Penny with Sarah so I could go sub. 

Then Friday night I went to Stefanie's house and we spent several hours eating brownies and catching up. I really miss having her as a neighbor, it was so much easier to get together then!

And today, Saturday, I went to Stake Women's Conference. The theme was "joy" and they had a lot of great thoughts about how trials increase our joy and how we can find joy in the journey. It was good and the lunch after the talks was super good too. I don't know why I love chicken salad and crescent buns so much but I do, I really do! 

Also, this happened in our house this week- Our Wall of Shopkins!

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