Saturday, March 3, 2018

Another Zoo, and a Broken Tooth

It has been another bipolar weather week in Michigan- I guess that's a sign that spring is here? We started off the week with gorgeous weather- temperatures in the 60's, the sun was out for a couple of those days- it was great! After cleaning the house Monday, Penny and I took a walk and played on the swings in the backyard- I seriously love having a swing set right in our yard.

Tuesday morning I went to Home Goods store with Penny to look for some things and instead I left with an Easter bunny that was definitely not on my list. It was cute and I am a sucker- can you see it on our mantel?

I have been making lots of visits to home stores lately trying to decide what I want to spend my sub money on and just been struggling. There are SO many things I want for the new house. I am grateful for a talk we had in Stake Conference that put things in to a better perspective. He actually quoted Will Smith of all people and it has stuck with me "Too many people spend money that haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." It hit me that some of the things I "want" for our house are actually things that I want to impress others. I thought about getting a new rug in the living room because the one we have is old fashioned. The reality is that I don't really mind the rug, I only feel bad about it when a trendy friend comes over. And the reality is that is a silly way to spend my money. So in the end I used my money to get things that I wanted- matching dining room chairs, a new bath mat and a cactus hamper. Then I took the rest of my money and signed the boys up for a basketball skills class because really all this stuff is just stuff and we can't take it with us. I need to stop worrying about impressing others with a trendy house and instead focus on creating memories.

Back to my week, Tuesday afternoon I went over to a friend's house to watch her youngest while he napped. It was nice to have an afternoon where I was forced to be unproductive. While her youngest napped Penny and I worked on her workbook, played together and I re-read "A Wrinkle in Time." A movie based on that book is coming out soon so I was trying to refresh my memory and see if I wanted to go to the movie. I do. I am interested to see how they portray a book that has a very Christian message and also doesn't have a lot of action. I think I'll take Steven to it.

Wednesday, Tyler took the day off. I had told him he should take a day off this week so we could enjoy the nice weather and pretend we only had one kid. He surprisingly did and I am so grateful. We had such a nice day. We went to Lansing and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A and afterwards we went to Potter Park Zoo. I love that small zoo. All the animals are easy to see and there is not an excessive amount of walking. Plus the price is right- for Winter it is only $3 for adults and $2 for kids. You can't beat that! Our favorites were probably the friendly llamas and the snoozing lions.

Wednesday night tragedy struck. We were in the middle of our night time routine and Penny comes running to me crying and saying "Tooth! Tooth!" I of course freaked out when she hands me a piece of her tooth. After searching her mouth for the broken tooth I realized it was the crown from her front tooth. It had popped out when she tried to floss it and there was a cavity under where the crown had been. I called the dentist's emergency line in a panic and they said they would have her in the next day and that they would call me that morning to let me know when. I had a sub job for Thursday so I ended up cancelling it so I could take her in. 

The next morning things got frustrating. They tell me I have two options. I can take Penny in and have it fixed with no medicine (the medicine that subdues and helps her forget) or I can wait until the appt we have for her in April. I was so upset with those 2 crappy options. I could either have my 3 year old get her tooth fixed unmedicated which would never work or wait over a month and see how bad that tooth gets. I was so mad, after many frustrated words (in which I tried to be as polite as possible) they finally said they could move things around and get her in Tuesday. I am still not happy. I took off work so I could get this fixed, and now I have to wait and hope it doesn't get worse. Double whammy is that I have another sub job Tuesday so now Tyler is going to take off work to take Penny in. I am so worried Penny is going to lose her front tooth like Lucy lost her molar and I am definitely feeling like I need to ditch this dentist. Argh.

So Thursday was a poop day. No fix from the dentist, no sub job and the temperatures decided to drop and dump down 5 inches of snow on us. I was grumpy that day and feeling sorry for myself and then I found out a good friend of mine had just had a miscarriage and I suddenly realized how minimal my problems were. It's amazing how quickly things can be put into perspective. My heart hurts for her and I find myself grateful that I had 4 healthy babies.

Friday was a Snow Day. Once again it seemed unnecessary but they keep blaming these snow days on homes that are off back roads, who knows. We made the best of it and had some friends over. It helped the day go by quickly. The snow was great packing snow and the kids made some fun forts and a snowman and had a good time.

Friday night Tyler had a cold weather camp out for his Scouts and Steven was able to tag along. Steven was apparently super tough in the cold temperatures and I am pretty proud of him. Especially because there was a boy older than him that was crying because of the cold. While they were out that night I brought dinner to my friend that had miscarried. Her husband was out of town and his flight home had been cancelled, my week is nothing compared to the week she has been having. I was glad I was able to help her, I just wish Tyler had been home so that I could've stayed with her longer.

And to end this post on a lighter note, Lucy brought home some pictures in which she drew boobies on the women (Grandma and me). The boys saw the pictures and were so giggly that I suggested maybe she didn't draw boobies on girls anymore. Lucy burst out into tears and said "But girls have boobies! I need to draw them so people know they are girls!" Hard to argue that logic, ha ha!

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