Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Fun, Picture Overload

The day before Easter we did our traditional dying of the Easter Eggs. I went ahead and bought fake eggs again- way better than boiling eggs that we would never eat. The kids put them in a bag and shook on the color. I thought this would be way less messy but the packets of color that we poured into the bags kept tipping over and spilling. So glad I had the tablecloth! Lucy had got some color on her brand new Beauty & the Beast shirt, hence the shirt change.

After coloring the eggs we decorated them with Emoji stickers and put glitter on them. I don't know why I agreed to glitter- it is now all over my counter (because Lucy was playing with the finished eggs there) and probably in all my food *sigh*

After decorating Easter Eggs it was time for General Conference. I am really enjoying making my notes fancy- if only my kids wouldn't bump into me and mess me up. All my doodles were inspired by the Spring Doodles class I went to recently.

After both the sessions we got to decorate an Easter Bunny Cake. I had re found this pan when we were moving so I decided we should finally use it. The kids had a lot of fun and it will probably become a new tradition. I let them put the icing on and they then proceeded to cover it with Twizzlers and jelly beans. They totally filled all the eye and mouth holes with jelly beans. Penny kept complaining that her tummy hurt but then proceeded to pig out. Unfortunately later she had some diarrhea, so super fun.

Easter morning Penny woke up super early and super excited that her tummy didn't hurt anymore. She shouted "Mom! I no puke! And no more diarrhea out my butt!" Such a great start to the day ;). The kids all had fun looking for their baskets and checking out their loot. Lucy's basket was hidden in our closet (one of her favorite places to hide- she hid in their while I was showering the other day and surprised me with a card when I went to look for a shirt). Lucy's favorite thing in her basket was her stickers. She also got an Esther movie, a unicorn headband, a pink stuffed bunny, some fun stickers and activity books for church and silly putty. She (and all the other kids) also got some bubbles and a water gun- considering we just got a light dusting of snow last night those gifts are not the most useful.

Ben's basket was hidden in the bathroom since he loves taking bubble baths so much. You can see his loot spread out below. He loved his Ninjago stickers the best. I loved the "Who's Your Hero" book he got. It has 3 illustrated stories for different heroes in the Book of Mormon and then songs, scriptures and activities that go along with them. Should make for some fun Family Home Evening Lessons. 

Penny's basket was hidden under the TV since she LOVES TV way more than she should. She loved her silly putty the best. I loved the new Veggie Tale Water Wow and Lift the Flap book she got for church. We were in need of some new church entertainment for her.


Steven's basket was hidden in the fireplace. He's lucky we didn't turn on the fire last night. Steven's favorite thing was a new mini perplex ball (those maze balls). He also got a tricky Bible Guess it Game which should be fun for family home evening and an illustrated D&C book (which is good since that is what we are reading right now as a family).

Me and dad got church wear- ties for him and a new church dress for me. I also got some Brain Putti because I am always stealing the boys, it's a good stress reliever ;)

Then after finding baskets I made the kids their traditional bunny pancakes. I totally forgot to buy things to decorate with so I cut up Tyler's Tootsie Rolls for eyes, used jelly beans from the cake and found some slightly hard marshmallows for the tail- I am so resourceful! The kids, who have been anti-pancake lately- actually chowed them down but only because they were promised they could eat some of their chocolate bunny afterwards. 

And soon it will be time for the Sunday morning session of General Conference. I like that it will help put our Easter back on the path of what it's really about. We have been handing out reward bucks during conference (can be traded in for real money later) and the boys have actually been listening to some of the talks- I hope this continues to help. It's nice when they actually take something from it. Then for dinner today we will be doing our Jerusalem meal. I offered to do ham since we didn't have church today but Tyler really wanted the Jerusalem meal so I wasn't going to fight him. There will be hummus, pitas, fish sticks, grapes, and grape juice- this is the picky eater version of what would be eaten in Jerusalem. And that is our Easter all wrapped up and super fun!

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