Saturday, February 24, 2018

Zoo and Things

For Valentine's Day I got Tyler Princess Bride Opoly. Sunday night we finally had a chance to play it. We played it with the boys and it was a lot of fun. I am really enjoying this new stage of life we have entered with our kids, where they are now able to play games with us. I just wish they were better at not being sore losers. Ben got pretty upset when he went bankrupt.

Also Sunday we found out they changed our Ward boundaries. The other Ward meeting in our building had gotten small so they took a lot of people from our regular sized Ward to bulk theirs up. It was pretty depressing. We lost a lot of good people and were not given any new people to replace them with. Also depressing is all the Primary documents I JUST did now how to be redone (Class Lists, Scripture & Talk Schedule, Birthday List, etc). I'd say I'm not bitter but I am :(

Monday and Tuesday were mid winter break so the kids had no school. I feel like with snow days and dentist appt's they haven't had much school lately anyways but it was actually pretty nice to have them off this time. We were able to do some fun things. On Monday we picked up a couple friends and took them to one of our favorite places, The Commons. We also met a few more friends there and I found out what a small world it is. There is this nice lady that I talk to sometimes when I am waiting for Lucy to get out of school who was also at The Commons. It turned out she was meeting a friend and that friend she met was friends with my friend. I know that's a complicated connection but it was a fun connection to discover none the less. 

One of the friends there had an older son that Penny absolutely loves playing with. I had to capture a pic of the two playing together. He kept playing dead and she would tickle him back to life. He is so sweet to play with her.

Tuesday morning was rainy but extra warm temperature wise. Our zoo pass expires the end of this month and I really wanted to use it before it expires so I decided we would deal with the rain and just go. It was barely sprinkling when we left and so I thought we would be fine with 2 umbrellas we'd only be walking short distances between animal houses. However, as we drove the rain came down harder so I made a quick pit stop at Walmart and bought a couple more umbrellas- I am glad I did. I was the only one umbrella-less so I got pretty damp but the kids stayed dry- Steven even offered to wear my backpack so that stayed dry as well. We ended up having a pretty good time. We went to the penguin house, the butterfly and bird house, the reptile house and the frog house. My favorite was definitely the penguin house. A friendly penguin that we were informed was named Thor hung out by the kids for quite awhile. 

My kids still continue to be posers, especially Lucy and Benny, they were constantly standing in random places and asking me to take their pictures. I love that they want to be well documented :)

Tuesday night we all went out to dinner at Chili's. I wish it wasn't so expensive because I really love going out to eat. It's so nice to not worry about making a meal or cleaning one up. I enjoy dinner time so much more. We also had some fun switching Ben's Sprite with some water while he was away- Tyler thought he was pretty funny.

The rest of my week was not super exciting. Wednesday I watched a friend's kid and Lucy had her last day of Karate. I saw her progress  at the punches and kicks but she doesn't seem excited enough about it to continue doing it, same with the boys who had their last day Thursday night. Thursday my ears were killing me- one felt like it was full of fluid and the feeling wouldn't go away- so I went to a Minute Clinic. Turns out I have Swimmer's ear so I got some fun drops to put in my ear. Thankfully the drops helped so I was ok to sub Friday afternoon. That class was so rowdy I think I would have died if I hadn't got my ears fixed. And that was our exciting week :)

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