Sunday, February 11, 2018

Snow Galore and Steven Turns 10

So Friday stayed true to it's predictions, so much snow! If you look at the table on our deck in the pictures below you can get an idea of just how much we got. And it just keeps coming down. Today is Sunday and we are still getting more snow. Church was cancelled because of it. While it was kind of fun Friday to get so much snow, I am ready for it to stop already so we can move on with life and stop having so many snow days! 

Thankfully due to his job, Tyler is an expert snow driver and had no problem getting us to Splash Universe on Saturday for Steven's birthday (even if he freaked me out a lot- he has no fear of sliding but I do!) So Steven was able to still have a great 10th birthday. He really seemed happy all day and in his prayers he said thank you many times for having such a great birthday. Sure made all the planning and money spent worth it.

He started off his birthday opening gifts, as per tradition. I think he remembered how cranky we were with all his bad reactions to gifts at Christmas because he was especially excited about all his birthday gifts, ha ha! We got him Minecraft bedding, a Perplexus maze ball, and Dog Man books. His Hatch Grandparents got him a Lego Set and his Brady Grandparents sent him cold hard cash. Spoiled as always!

Later that morning we picked up his best buddy Max and we all went to Splash Universe. I feel like the kids had even more fun there than the last time they went. The first time they each focused on one part of the water park but this time I feel like they tried everything out. It could be because it felt a bit warmer inside than the last time we went so they weren't freezing as they walked around the place. 

The only real pictures I could get was when they stopped to eat some pizza and re-hydrate.

We spent a few hours at the Splash Universe and then we headed back to our house. At our house he got open Max's present to him. Max totally spoiled him with a Minecraft Lego set and Minecraft game. He also laminated a bunch of fun Terraria pictures for him. They have been friends for a few years now and I think it's going to be really sad when Steven starts up at a new school next year and he won't be with his best buddy everyday.

After presents we did cake and ice cream (we do everything backwards here ;)). Steven requested an Eye of Cthulhu cake (it's from the video game Terraria). So ugly but he loved it, even if he smeared the frosting with his shirt sleeve before we could get pictures.

It makes me sad to think that after this year this boy will no longer be able to use his fingers to show me his age :(. I tell everyone he is already a teenager in heart. Man the attitude of this kid, he tries my patience everyday but I know he is also making me into a better person. He makes me want to be a better mom- to be more patient, to be better at teaching him the truths of the Gospel. I am grateful for that. I am grateful for his quirky and curious personality. He is constantly wanting to learn more about things and can ask a million questions in a short period of time. It's a good trait to have and I am excited to see someday how he'll turn this curiosity into an amazing profession. He really is a good kid and I love him to pieces- here's to surviving another year ;) 

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