Saturday, February 17, 2018

Valentines Day and a Lost Tooth

This week started off with what felt like another unnecessary snow day. It hadn't snowed big since Friday but apparently the back roads were still not plowed so no school for the kids. We spent a good part of the afternoon at the library. I like that my kids are all library nerds and love to hang out there.

Tuesday Penny and I had a fun day. I was nervous about running a couple errands with her because of some previous less than fun experiences but she ended up being a lot of fun- maybe because I promised her playtime at the mall when we were done. First we went to Salvation Army. We happened by the Christmas section and she saw a Nutcracker that she just had to have. I figured I could swing 85 cents so I bought it. I'm pretty sure she loved it more than any toy she could've gotten plus we can now add it to our Nutcracker collection that I decided we are starting (this one makes 2 so obviously we have a lot more collecting to do, ha ha!).

After Salvation Army we went to one more place and then we headed to the mall. Once there we indulged in some amazing pretzels and she had fun on the newly remodeled play area. Her favorite part was climbing the frog tongue and sliding down the frog's back. She made all sorts of silly faces going down it, it was adorable! I really enjoyed spending some fun one on one time with her. I wish we could do that more frequently!

That night we decorated some heart cookies. Steven made some poor choices with time management so he didn't have time to decorate them before he left to Scouts but the other 3 had fun. I was pretty astonished that both Ben and Lucy were able to finish their big cookie. They are sugar monsters just like me unfortunately.

Wednesday was Valentine's Day so I tried to be the fun mom. I dyed the pancake batter pink and made heart shaped pancakes for the kids. The boys appreciated this gesture but the girls did not. They were disgusted by the pink pancakes. So much for being the fun mom. 

I also gave the kids their Love gifts that morning and started a new tradition. Everyone had to go around and say one thing they loved about each person at the table before they could open their gifts. It was really fun to hear their sweet responses. Their love gifts were as follows: Steven got a book, Penny got a Barbie Coloring Book, and Benny and Lucy's books hadn't arrived yet (I had ordered them from Scholastic) so they got to open the family gift- a game, Hedbanz. They are so in to games right now so I figured I would add to the collection.

Later that morning I got to help out at Lucy's Valentine's Party. I was put in charge of the station where they balanced candy hearts on a tongue depressor. It was super fun when the principal came in and took a close up video of my shaky hand putting hearts on the tongue depressor. They even added that video to a Jr Kinder Advertisement so now my hands are famous, ha ha! So embarrassing! But really I had a great time being at Lucy's class and not being in charge. I love just being able to hang out with her!

The girls got to share a treat at the end of the party. I love these sisters!

That afternoon I went to my friend Corinne's house for a Valentine's lunch (heart noodles). Penny was weary of the red heart shaped noodles (once again the color turned her off) but she ate all the normal color ones. 

Thursday I had a friend over in the morning and then I spent the afternoon vacuuming. I cleaned out the couch- it is amazing what can get lost inside a couch in just a few month. I also vacuumed out the car and now I feel slightly less disgusted to be driving that thing. Tyler tells me we can now take it in to get detailed without being embarrassed.

Thursday night Lucy's tooth was really hurting her so I took her in for an emergency dental appointment Friday morning. I figured one of her cavities was probably just in desperate need of getting fixed. Unfortunately, it was beyond being fixed and they had to pull it. I almost cried when they said they were going to pull it, I knew it was not going to be fun. The laughing gas did seem to work at first- she got so silly and was waving her hands around in rhythm to music and just blabbing away about how her face felt smooth like soap and how daddy was going to have to lick soap if he said a bad word again (that word being butt). She was so funny! But then they got in there and started working on getting the tooth out and she got super upset. It was so hard to listen to her cry and have to just sit there and hold her legs and hands down. Broke my heart. Thankfully a trip to the dollar store for a prize and ice cream helped calm her down afterwards. It just boggles my mind that within a week that tooth went from savable to needing to be pulled. 

On a positive note she did get her first visit from the tooth fairy. She left the tooth fairy a fun picture of our house. It had her sleeping in her bed with her dolls under it and it had me downstairs on the phone talking to a friend. She draws the best detailed pictures lately.  

Saturday she already seemed better so I am glad she is not in pain. The only problem is that they put a spacer where the tooth was and there are now a lot of things she can't eat (like carrots, the only vegetable she likes!) so she is constantly asking me if she can eat stuff. It's good she checks in but she literally asks about EVERYTHING. Hopefully we'll all get the hang of what she can and can't eat soon. And hopefully I will find a vegetable that she can and will eat soon. Ugh.

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