Saturday, February 3, 2018

Hard Week

This week has pretty much been defined by my kids driving me crazy. I don't know if it's the super moon we had this week but each one has been wearing down my patience. There has been a lack of listening and a lot of whining in the Hatch household which has led to lots of lectures and raised voices from us parental units. I hate weeks like this.

When I last wrote Tyler was stuck in Northern Michigan due to a closed bridge. Thankfully the bridge opened up Saturday morning and he made it back to us by lunch time. This was good because we both had car appointments that afternoon- he got new tires for his truck and I got a tire that had a nail in it fixed. I hope his ancient truck doesn't decided to poop out now that it has brand new tires, that always seems to be our luck.

Saturday night Lucy started complaining about her ear hurting (why is it always when all the Dr's offices are closed?). so Sunday morning me and Lucy played hooky from church and I took her to a Minute Clinic. It was good I did because she did in fact have an ear infection. They also decided to test her for the flu since she had had a fever Thursday and Friday and there were kids in her class who had tested positive for the flu. It was kind of a flaky test. First the results were negative and then they were positive. Considering her fever had ended Saturday morning, I was surprised it was positive. My unmedical guess is that maybe she had it but since she was on the recovering end that's why the result was flaky. But what do I know?

Because she tested positive on Sunday for the flu, I kept her home from school Monday. Besides not eating (I think the Amoxicillin was bugging her tummy)she was totally fine- she was running around the house playing and even fighting with Penny. So on Tuesday I sent her back to school. She had a tough time going back (she basically had a 5 day weekend with all her sick days). I had to really push the excitement of her sticker chart and reward again. It worked thankfully. She was very excited at the prospect of getting ice cream on Friday if she went to school nicely.

With Lucy back to school Tuesday I decided I could finally go run a couple errands. I figured it would be easy with only Penny coming along- it usually is. I was so wrong. She was such a nightmare. Every store we went into was a fight. One had a soda machine and she kept whining about how thirsty she was and how she needed soda (of course water couldn't possibly solve her thirst). At another store we happened to walk by candy and she kept insisting that she needed a treat. I attribute her crazy to her lack of napping. She did this last winter where she cut off her naps completely and now she is doing it again. She hasn't napped in weeks and I think that is part of the reason why she is so challenging.  

Wednesday I subbed and Kellie, the Primary President, watched Penny. Kellie totally spoiled Penny and I am pretty sure Penny would much rather hang out with Kellie than me. She took Penny to McDonald's, made cookies with her, let her keep one of her kid's old toys and added bonus she has a small dog that licked Penny's hand. It seems Penny has finally come to term with dogs- at least little ones. I really am so lucky to have such great people who help watch Penny while I work.

Thursday I got Steven a new Scout uniform and was grossed out by how expensive it was (I didn't even get the hat or the neckerchief tie). I remember it being expensive but holy poop, it is so painful. At least I got it super big so hopefully it will last many years. This new uniform also means I must brave sewing on patches again but this time I don't have my mom. I am not looking forward to this project.

Friday I had to sub in the afternoon and I had a big to-do list but I decided to procrastinate all responsibilities and had a friend over instead. It was worth it- it was so nice to converse with a grown up and it did me good to decompress some.

This morning we paid our old neighbors a visit. They have moved into a new home so we brought them a house warming gift. The husband's father also passed away this week so we brought them some cookies too because I am not sure what to bring for that. I am so glad we went over, I think she needed the visit. I feel so sad for them. I can't imagine not having the Gospel when someone passes away, for them it is the end. 

Tonight we have the Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet. There is a magic theme (I think?) so Steven was practicing a magic trick that he will be performing. It'll be interesting to see how his presentation skills change when he is in front of everyone, ha ha.

Funny Steven story- this past Sunday was a warmer day and so the boys were out playing soccer. Steven came inside to get a drink and told me "Mom I am so hardcore at soccer!" It was super funny and now Tyler and I keep saying were at hardcore at things too :)

Also I gave the kids this game (Go Nuts for Donuts) Monday night and they are pretty obsessed with it. It was fun at first but it has a lot to do with predicting what the other players will do and now that I know everyone else's strategy it is less fun for me. It also has been a real learning experience for Steven on losing- you can't always win kid. Oh how he struggles with NOT being a sore loser.

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