Friday, February 9, 2018

Snow Blues & Dental Blues

We started off our week with an unexpected snow day. I am still not entirely convinced it was a necessary snow day- there was only like 3 inches of snow and the roads were totally drive-able- but at least the kids got along pretty well so it was a pretty mellow day. I even managed to get the house cleaned AND do my taxes. I learned that day that I would rather do taxes then sew on scout patches- I am super procrastinating sewing those on.

On Tuesday I subbed in the morning and then I picked up Penny and met Tyler for lunch. It made me miss living in Milford. Tyler typically came home for lunch then but now we're not nearly close enough to do that. I know I was spoiled but I guess I didn't appreciate it nearly enough.

Wednesday I met a friend at Arby's for lunch, it was her birthday. This friend and I live super close to each other after we both had our moves so there's one positive part of leaving Milford. It's nice to have someone only a few minutes away to hang out with. It's also nice to have someone who loves Arby's as much as I do, ha ha! 

Thursday was such a busy day and I was dreading it but somehow everything went smoothly and I didn't feel like I was rushing from place to place- it was definitely a tender mercy. That morning all 4 kids had a dentist appointment. This did not bring good news. Steven has a cavity under a filling and needs to go to an orthodontist as well. Lucy has 6 cavities- how does that even happen over 6 months!? We brush and floss daily and have even cut back on sugar- it's so frustrating. And Penny is almost as bad. She has one filling that cracked, her 2 front teeth which have crowns on the front of them now have cavities on the back of the teeth (don't understand that at all) and then she has another random cavity. They are going to have to give her some sleepy medicine and strap her down to do the work. It's going to be completely awful- again. It is also going to be completely expensive. I was so excited to have a tax refund to squirrel away for house things and maybe even to use for some furniture I wanted for the new house but instead of new furniture I will be paying dental fees. Ugh, I hate our bad teeth.

After the dentist Thursday, I had a visiting teaching appointment and then I subbed for the afternoon. After that the boys had karate and then I had to pick up our groceries. So lots going on but like I said before, it really went smoothly and wasn't as crazy of a day as I thought. And I am also feeling grateful that I picked up groceries yesterday (I had debated doing pick up last night or today) because today is another snow day. This time it feels like a legit snow day. It has been snowing since night time and we are expected to get up to 10 inches by the end of the day. So no school and no groceries to pick up means we can stay home and stay out of the yuck. However, tomorrow is Steven's birthday and we are planning on taking him to Splash Universe so I am really hoping the roads are ok to drive tomorrow morning!

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