Friday, January 26, 2018

This Week in January

This week Tyler is up North, hopefully it should be his only week up North. He is up there training his replacement and should be coming back today, hopefully! The bridge back is closed currently due to falling ice which does not make me happy. It has been a pretty long week with him away and I just want him back!

Monday was a very long day of organizing and cleaning. Now that we have an upstairs that consists of all our bedroom the kids seem to feel more obligated to lug all their toys up to their rooms- it drives me crazy. So Monday I was trying to lug everything back down and reorganize. They are also constantly mucking up all the craft/art supplies in the guest room. I love them being able to access everything when they want to use it, I just wish they would put things away properly when they were done *sigh* 

I did take a break from all the cleaning and organizing to take a walk with Penny since it was an extra warm winter day. She had a ton of fun splashing in all the melted snow puddles. We also did some swinging in the backyard- I am really loving having swings in our yard!

Monday night both Penny and Benny woke up crying because they were scared. Apparently when dad leaves the house it becomes very scary. Benny had the hardest time being calmed down, I think he might have had a bad dream. It was a rough night.

Tuesday I had a sub job in the afternoon. It was the class I sub for a lot and it was a super easy afternoon. Those are always nice. Then after dinner and hw it was off to the church to drop Steven off at Scouts. He finished his doorstop this past weekend (for the Baloo the Builder Requirement) so he is finally ready to be a Weeblo, just in time for his birthday! I can't believe that kid will be turning double digits in just a couple weeks. Where does time go? He sure has the attitude of a teenager already though, his biggest complaint these days is that he is so tired because his sisters always wake him up. The earliest they ever get up is 7am so I am pretty sure this kid is in trouble for when early morning seminary begins.

Wednesday I subbed again for the same teacher. This time it was not so easy of a day. There were a couple kids that just couldn't get along that day and others who just seemed hyper. I was pooped by the time the day was through but after picking Penny up we had to rush Lucy to karate. She is so timid about everything but I know she is enjoying it because as soon as it was done she was already counting down the days until she goes again. We might just have to keep going there after this 6 week class, especially since Tyler bought her the $35 karate uniform. I can't believe how much that thing cost! He got in trouble so the boys didn't get one and won't unless we decide to stick with it.

Thursday and Friday I was supposed to help babysit for friends- which I like to do because then I feel less guilty about always asking people to watch my kids while I am subbing. Unfortunately Lucy came down with a fever early Thursday morning so no babysitting for me. She has had a fever on and off since then. It turns out that basically here whole class is passing around this virus, only 5 people came to her class yesterday! Luckily she seems ok besides the fever and being tired (and being a little bit dramatic "my feet hurt, I can't walk"). She is still eating and keeping down liquids so that's good. I just hope this fever breaks soon and that it doesn't spread to the rest of my kidlings because I've got another busy week next week. Here are some fun pics of me snuggling with sick Lucy.

The boys had Karate Thursday night and since Tyler was out of town I had to tote sick Lucy there with us (go me for spreading the virus further). The boys got to use nunchucks which was a little terrifying. I was pretty sure they were going to whack themselves (or someone else) in the face but somehow everyone remained unscathed. However, they didn't quite master the skills of twirling them. Really though, what is the point of numchucks with kids?

Also this week when I was preoccupied with taking care of a sick Lucy, Penny entertained herself with a box of band aides. I don't know if you can see in the picture but apparently all her babies had owies that needed band aides. It was pretty cute (and just a tid bit wasteful). Also please note that she was crying before the first pic and then she chucked her banana and that apparently made her really happy. She has been some serious bipolar this week.

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