Saturday, December 31, 2016

Winter Break

Winter Break is definitely my favorite school break because Tyler gets off work which means we can do some fun things as a family. I have been really craving some Chick-Fil-A so on Tuesday we drove to Toledo to get some. It was so worth the drive! SO yummy and the kids had a fun time playing in the play place. I really wish they would open one closer!

After eating at Chick-Fil-A we headed home but on our way home we made a pit stop at Cabela's. The kids only wanted to see the fish but Tyler made them go look at camping supplies first. Of course since it was such an exhausting day of eating Chick-Fil-A and walking up the stairs to see the camping supplies, they had to take a break on a cot...

After the excruciating long walk through camping supplies they got to see the fish. They were all fascinated by the giant fish (pic on right below). At first they thought it was dead but it very slowly got closer and closer to the glass. Our turtle friend with ginormous claws was also there (no pic). The boys were super fascinated when they learned that turtles breathes air like us. They couldn't believe how long it can hold its breath for.

Wednesday we made a trip to the Henry Ford Museum, it was nice to have Tyler there this time. Our first stop was at the giant town of Lego's. We learned that it was made by a club of 20 guys- Tyler wants to join that club ;). Definitely his favorite exhibit! I think the kids' favorite exhibit of the day was the one showing silent movies. They thought they were so funny- can we just go back to those? No bad language, no inappropriateness, just fun slap stick humor! They also had fun building their own Lego things. I think my favorite thing was seeing the things of my youth in a glass case- ha ha! Nothing makes you feel like you are growing older than that!

Thursday night I went with my neighbor to see "Collateral Beauty". It was an emotional movie about a father who lost a 6 year old, a definite tear jerker. It was nice to get out though and hang with my neighbor. I learned that her and her husband just purchased some land by the post office and plan on building a home there. I am sad that I am going to lose them as a neighbor in a couple of years but I am glad they won't be far. Then again, who knows where we will be in two years...

Friday afternoon we took the kids to swim at Milford High. It had been awhile since we had been there so the kids were super excited to go. It, however, was not a pleasant experience for us adults. Getting all 6 of us out of our winter gear and into our swimsuits in a cramped changing room was a major challenge- especially when the floors are wet and you can't just put your clothes down on them. Then after an hour of play having to switch everyone was downright exhausting. I also forgot a swim diaper for Penny and so we had her go commando and I kept praying that she wouldn't decide to poop in the pool- thankfully she didn't! Anyways, I don't think we'll be going back anytime soon.

Saturday afternoon I made a last minute decision to take the oldest 3 to see "Moana." It was an exciting movie and maybe a little too scary for Lucy. I think the boys enjoyed it though- they loved the coconut pirates best. I liked the music :)

After we got home we took baths and then did an early ring of the New Year using Netflix countdowns and chinking some sparkling cider in fancy cups- because that's what New Years is all about right?

And let's end 2016 with some funny moments:

One Sunday we got to talking about how I almost named Penny, Abigail. During this conversation Lucy decided she wanted a new name. She decided her new name would be Aliko. When Tyler asked her, "Lou? Why do you want to be named Aliko?" She yelled, "My name is not Lou!!! I am Aliko!!" The name change lasted one day and then she was back to being Lucy, ha ha!

Penny put on a dress and walked around singing (which sounds a lot like yelling) a song that involved the word "Barbie" a lot.

Steven couldn't find his Alex Lego figure (from Minecraft) and he was complaining about wanting it so he could play with it. Lucy sniggered, "You wanna play with a girl"

Lucy had a cut on her ankle and she showed it to me and informed me that she was dying. She went to get a band aide and Penny wanted one too (she had some dried blood on her which translated as an owie). She insisted that she get a band aide too and she insisted on putting it on herself. Here was the result (half stuck on her face, half on her hair):

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