Saturday, January 7, 2017


My new sweatshirt described the way I felt about this week perfectly:

We have had some serious cold days this week (like one digit temperature days) and I am freaking cold! I just walk out to my car and my hands are numb! It's the worst!

Anyways, on to our week. As an anniversary present to me Tyler took the kids out so I could clean the house Monday morning. Best present ever right? That afternoon we had a babysitter for the kids so we could celebrate an early anniversary. First we went to lunch at Smoke Street. It's just a short walk from our house and I had still never eaten there but Tyler eats their all the time with his work friends and he wanted me to try it out too. It was messy BBQ food but it was good stuff. After that we revisited an awesome Rare&Used bookstore in Detroit. It had so many fun kids books that I wanted to get (yes I am a sucker for kids books) but I ended up just getting some Christmas ones for next year and a Barbie book for Lucy & Penny. When we were done perusing it was time to go home but I made Tyler stop and get us some Coldstone first. I felt properly stuffed afterwards but it was SO worth it! 

After our date I took Ben to a party at Chuck E Cheese. It was a party for a girl at church and he was the only boy there so he basically just hung out with me. It was like I took him on a mom/son date and I didn't have to pay for it, totally awesome! Ben had a blast and he loved that he didn't have to share tokens and tickets for once. When we got in the car he told me it was "the best day ever!" I love that sweet boy!

When we came home from the party things were not so good. Penny had caught a stomach bug that has been going around our Ward and had thrown up several times. She threw up on me when I got home and then a few more times that night. It was a rough night for her but the next morning she was all done with the sick. Unfortunately she turned into a crazy person and was kind of awful the rest of the week. Lots of meltdowns when things did not go her way. I even had to ban "Barbie" movies because she would get upset every time it was time to turn them off. It's Saturday and she still hasn't shown any improvement *sigh*

I was not planning on subbing this week because of her craziness but Ben's teacher asked me to sub Friday afternoon and I couldn't say no because I love subbing for his class. Once again I had a good time. The class for the most part listens well and the co-teacher taught a majority of the lessons so it was just a super smooth and easy day. The only hiccup was Ben wanting to be attached to me the ENTIRE time. I was sitting in the back helping managing kids while the other teacher was teaching and when I moved to go quiet down some talkers, Ben caused a big ruckus by climbing over people to follow me. Once again *sigh*

Friday night I went to a "Favorite Things" party. I am so bad in large social situations and I always worry afterwards that I totally embarrassed myself but...I mean it was fun right? Everyone brings 4 of their favorite things and then we draw names and we all end up going home with 4 other people's favorite things. I brought these scarfs that I got a super good deal on because that's just who I am and I didn't realize they were going to make us tell why these were our favorite things. Everyone had great reasons and big thinking behind their gifts and when it was my turn I was like, "Is it wrong that I got them because they were an awesome deal and I love good deals?" Everyone awkwardly laughed,ha ha. awesome. I also wrapped mine in kids Little Mermaid wrapping paper and everyone else had theirs all cutesy. So I am cool like that. Anyways I did end up going home with some fun stuff- I got slipper socks, Jamberry nail wraps (which I have to figure out how to use), an awesome question a day notebook and an Amazon gift card.

Funny story: I went to take out the garbage and nearly fell over a snow shovel that was on the ground. When I came back inside I asked, "Who tried to kill mom?" Penny, who is always quick to volunteer, shouted, "Me!!"

Random Pictures from today:

 The boys showing off the flowers Tyler got me for our anniversary:

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