Sunday, December 4, 2016

Eating Santa & Looking 20 Again

I know it's so cliche but really, time is just flying by! I spent a lot of this week working on getting Primary things ready for next year. I've had to update class lists and birthday lists and lesson schedules and scripture and talk assignments and get manuals and picture packets ready and get birthday gifts ready and...It's a lot of work and I am still not done. But I have made a lot of progress so-- go me! I am just grateful that I have most of my Christmas stuff out of the way so I can spend the time I need to on this stuff.

This week we had a couple warm days and I took advantage of them by first, putting up our Christmas lights and second, taking a walk with the girls to the bakery. Lucy and Penny picked out a Santa cookie to share and then they both devoured poor Santa Claus.

On Wednesday night Steven got a pulpotomy which is basically a baby root canal. An old filling of his had cracked and the tooth was a mess. I don't understand how things get so bad when we are so good at brushing, flossing and regular check ups but I guess we just have horrible teeth genes. Steven was really brave and did great. They do a sneaky job of giving shots so that, along with a TV above his face, probably helped. I think this is the most he's ever been numbed and he was so funny about it. He kept asking questions about being numb (how long will it last? can he still breathe? can he eat?) and when they told him not to chew his gums he took that as a challenge. Bad idea.

On Thursday the weather was back to it's normal cold self and we braved it to go hear some Christmas Carolers on Main Street and to watch Santa make his grand entrance into Milford. The Carolers were fun and made Tyler reminiscent of his show choir days. The Santa entrance was not so grand. He just suddenly appeared, we didn't even hear the fire truck that brought him into town. The kids each gave him a high five and then we went back to our nice warm home. I did not feel like waiting in an hour long line to see this Santa. We have seen him before and I do not think he's very legit. I am hoping for an outing to a good Santa before Christmas comes.

Friday I had my third sub job and it was another half day, this time for a fourth grade class. I really like half day jobs, I don't feel like someone has to watch my girls for too long and I don't have to worry about getting my boys to school. It's a win, win! This sub job turned out to be my best one yet. The class could easily be redirected to the path of goodness which is all I really want since I can't expect perfection. Some moments from the job...

When I was talking about my kids one of the students told me I didn't look old enough to have kids and asked me how old I was. I told him that he's not supposed to ask those sorts of questions and so he asked, "Are you 20?" Extremely flattering that kid was. 

Recess duty in Michigan when the weather is in the 30's is AWFUL. I about froze to death for the 20 minutes we were out there. The kids asked if we could stay out longer, which we probably could have, but I said no way, my face was going numb. I also had forgot to borrow a key from someone and so I had to send a kid running clear around the school to the office to get me one. Super smooth.

Today we were talking about how Lucy looks like a Hatch and so she asked "Who's a Hatch?" And we said, "You are!" And with awe in her voice she replied, "Really? I am?"

And some pictures of these Hatch's:

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