Saturday, December 17, 2016

Haircut & Wayne County Lightfest

I am pooped! It has been a busy week! Today I am grateful for snowy roads that led to a cancellation in plans this morning. It has been nice to tidy up the house and just sit for a bit.

On Monday the kids had a Snow Day, this meant I got to do everything I had planned for that day with all 4 crazies of mine. I cleaned the house, had a Primary Meeting and did a Walmart run, with all kids in tow. The kids did get to play out in the snow some while I attempted to shovel the drive. The snow was icy and just HEAVY.I didn't do such a great job but thankfully I have a fancy new vehicle that can handle my botch shoveling job.

Monday night we delivered our Christmas gifts to our neighbors and friends. It was wrapping paper and tape with a little tag that said something about wrapping up another year of friendship. We sang a little song we made up to a birthday tune: "Merry, merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you! We have some wrapping paper! We brought it just for you!" Most of the time I was singing solo since Tyler waited in the car with Penny for a lot of the houses, good for growing my confidence, ha ha!

Tuesday Lucy had her dentist appointment to get the rest of her cavities filled. It did not go well. Beforehand she acted all excited to go back, even though I warned her it would be just like last time. She didn't express any apprehension which surprised me since the last visit had been so difficult. But as soon as she got in the seat and was asked to open her mouth she started acting as I expected. She clamped her mouth closed and started whimpering. I could not convince her to open her mouth so after a half an hour we ended up leaving with a recommendation to take her to a pediatric dentist instead. I think what frustrated me the most was that she didn't give me any indication beforehand that this was going to go badly. Wasted trip.

Wednesday I chopped off all of my hair. I hadn't had a decent haircut for almost a year so it was much needed. It's nice to have my grown out bangs finally blended in and and it's nice not to be finding long hairs in the sink and everywhere else anymore. I took a picture after the haircut when it looked all nice because my friend that had cut it had styled it but when I reset my phone (to fix the sound) this week, I lost the picture. So here it is today- unwashed and not quite as cute ;)

Wednesday night we went to the Wayne County Lightfest. Tyler had a late workday so it was a super late night because it's 45 minutes to the lights but the kids still had fun. This was our first time driving through the lights where there was snow on the ground (and snow during our drive). I think I might get my white Christmas this year! We let Penny steer the car for some of the time (since we were driving SO slowly) and it was by far the highlight of the night, even better than the doughnuts and juice we had given the kids. Penny steered just like they do in the movies and she was so happy and proud of herself. It was so funny!

Friday I got to do my first full day sub job and it was for Ben's class. It was fun to be in his class and they did good- considering it was too cold for recess and there is only a week left until Christams. It was fun having lunch with Ben, I love that he still loves me in public. I hope I can sub for his class again! 

After subbing I picked up the girls, we ate a quick dinner of pizza, got on some Christmas colored clothes and headed to the Ward Party. It was a Christmas Songs sing along party and the kids seemed to enjoy it. The Bishop also told a few stories and there was an ugly Christmas Sweater Parade. Our family and the Hines family helped lead the song "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." The Chappell family was also going to lead it with us but they got sick. Jenny Chappell is such a creative genius that she had come up with some fun props and signs for the song and I had helped her make them last week (sad emoji, heart eyes emoji, speech bubbles with Rudolph insults & Mt.Rushmore with a spot for Rudoplh's face). It was a bummer that she didn't get to see all her creative genius in action. Tyler was late from work so he didn't get to see it either and he didn't get to be Rudolph as planned. Steven got to be Rudolph instead and he complained about not being able to breath with the nose on, oh that kid. After all the songs we ate cookies and socialized. It was a fun party!

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