Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bronner's & Snow, Snow, Snow!

Saturday we took our traditional trip to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland- it's world famous you know ;). When we got there at 10 it wasn't very busy but it didn't take long for it to start getting extra crowded and extra difficult to maneuver around aisles with 4 kids. It's pretty stressful walking down aisles full of breakable ornaments with little ones but the kids really enjoy picking out a new ornament each year so we do it for them!

Steven took FOREVER to pick an ornament. Honestly though, he always takes forever to make decisions so that wasn't surprising. He did have his mind set on a "candy" ornament and in the end he got pretty close by getting a slice of cake- so not Christmassy but he would not be redirected. Lucy and Benny seemed to constantly be changing their minds over which one to get. In the end Ben got a marshmallow snowman and Lucy got a marshmallow snowman in a tutu. And Penny stayed consistent with getting a ice cream cone ornament right until the very end when she switched it a for cookie Christmas tree ornament (not a real cookie of course). 

When we left Bronner's it started snowing and Steven was determined that we were going to get stuck in a blizzard and started asking all sorts of questions about blizzards. We definitely didn't get stuck in a blizzard but we did get to see my favorite kind of fluffy big snowflakes. We stopped at Wendy's to eat and the kids loved staring out the window at them. As much as I don't like snow, I have to admit I do find these snowflakes pretty magical.

When Penny finally finished her food she was pretty excited to get her Frosty. This girl is adorable and everywhere we go people make comments on her pigtails. She really does rock them! (Also note in the picture below how the were at a different table then us girls, already a gender division in the Hatch home)

At home we took some pictures of them with their ornaments. Penny looks so sad because she wanted me to only take a picture of her and was not happy that I took pictures of everyone else too.

Today we had our biggest snow day yet! We have had some snow previously but not really enough to stick to the ground and make a big difference. Today we got oodles of it and of course, I had to drive the kids to church because Tyler has meetings before church. The roads were so yucky but we made it through them with no slippage. I don't know if it's our new fancy car or if I am just getting better at driving in the snow- maybe it's a combination of both?

As soon as we got home from church the kids immediately donned their snow gear and got out in it. This is the first time I have seen Penny enjoy the snow, I guess she has finally reached a good snow playing age. After some building with the snow, the kids took turn going on sled rides down our driveway. Tyler was the favorite ride giver since he went super fast. I mostly took Penny down because I am super slow ;)

And a silly thing from this week...Penny threw a book in my bag at the library without me seeing it so it wasn't until we were checking out that I realized the book was called "Big Boy Underpants." She absolutely loves this book and wants me to read it to her every night. I'm slightly concerned since it is mostly filled with pictures of boys in underpants but it has encouraged her to wear her own underpants over her diaper so there's that...

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