Sunday, December 11, 2016

Traumatic Dentist Visit, Wreath Making, Santa

Another busy week down in the books! On Tuesday we had kind of a traumatic dentist experience with Lucy. The last time she got a cavity filled it was no big deal, she did so great. This time it was a super big deal. She did just fine with the shot (they tell her they are giving the tooth sleepy juice) but the second they put the drills in her mouth she started panicking. She put her hands to her mouth, started whimpering and tried to get off the chair. We go to a family dentist so she suggested maybe we go to a pediatric dentist but Lucy had already gone through the numbing process, I didn't want her to have to do that again. So I sat by her head, held her hands with one hand and stroked her hair with the other hand and somehow she made it through (and somehow Penny didn't get into too much trouble in the room). Unfortunately she's not done and still has two more fillings to go :(

Wednesday night I went to Bunco. Instead of the usual Bunco game playing, the host decided to have us all make a Christmas wreath. I found this very not fun. I do not do open ended crafts. I need steps but this was just stick some branches, pine cones and berries in the wreath and make it look pretty. I ended up getting other people to do it for me, ha ha. I'm still not sure how I feel about the the end result so it will probably live in my basement after this Christmas. After we made our wreaths, we played a super fun game with a big ball of saran wrap that we had to unwrap to find gifts. One of the ladies looked like a kitty cat trying to paw it open, it was SO funny!

On Thursday I subbed for Steven's class and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. His class actually behaved pretty well. Unfortunately, in the afternoon they switch for social studies and science so I had another third grade class and they were quite terrible. One kid was just a total putz and another kid was an emotional mess. As I've said before, it's superbly hard to establish authority when you only have the class for a half hour. It was such a LONG half hour and then I was so grateful to have Steven's class again!

Friday was a half day of school for the kids so I thought we would play hooky. Tyler's parents gave us an awesome early Christmas gift of a family membership too the Henry Ford Museum so we met one on my friends there. The first thing we did was visit Santa there. I love that they had lights that made swirling snowflakes on the ground in the line. The kids were thoroughly entertained with this which made the 20 minute wait totally bearable. I also loved this Santa. He must have heard me say Steven's name because he kept saying things to him using his name. Santa told Steven that he was on the nice list but he needed to brush his teeth, do his school work, and listen to his mom and teachers if he wanted to stay on it. It was good stuff!

After we saw Santa we had fun checking out all the exhibits that we hadn't seen for a long while. The kids especially loved the Lego city that they had on display. It had all sorts of characters in it from movies and they had fun spotting them all. 

A group picture with our friends:

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