Saturday, January 30, 2016

Half Way There

January is over which means 4 weeks down and only 4 weeks left of Tyler being away for Winter Testing. It also means we have a lot of good things coming our way: family coming to visit, a birthday and a baptism. My outlook is bright!

Some happenings from this week:

*Miss Penny has always been eyeing candy filled fans that are right at her level in the checkout aisle in Walmart. This week she decided to crack not just one, but TWO open and spill candy everywhere. She now owns two of these lovely toys. I'm pretty sure she knew exactly what was going to happen when she broke them. Trouble.

*Miss Penny has also discovered the joys of brushing her teeth this week...sort of. She used to completely scream and clamp her mouth closed but now she is persuaded to open it for a few moments thanks to a super annoying, I mean fun app called "Aquafresh Brush Time." She even dances a long to the Nurdle Durdle song on it sometimes. 

*Lucy remains her wild self, constantly torn between being a pretty princess and wrestling with the boys. I had to take a picture of her in the outfit she chose to wear Thursday: a princess jacket, a feather dress and polk dotted leggings. I will add that she wore rain boots with this cute outfit when we went out that day. 

*I recently purchased some measuring cups and spoons and other such things for the girls. I then give them a plastic container filled with somethings for them to scoop and play with. It is currently filled with poms poms, before that it was filled with beans. It is super messy but it entertains them for a good chunk of time so I've decided it's worth the mess.

*Steven is a Minecraft Lego maker extraordinaire! The Minecraft Crafting Box that we got him was probably the best Lego set we ever got him. He is constantly building new Minecraft things with that set and it's always fun to see his new creations.

*Steven and Ben are in now in a Math Club where they get to play math games after school one day a week. They really seem to like it. They also started Garden Club this week which meets once a month during recess. Ben was having a melt down because he thought the club would be too hard. Oh Ben. Thankfully all they had to do this week was draw a picture of what they wanted to do in the club. Not too overwhelming ;)

*For the most part Ben doesn't have any problems with going to school anymore, no more tears. He is having a hard time with reading so we've created a word wall at home for him to practice. He does really well reading the words and letters at home but unfortunately, seems to forget everything when he gets to school. It's frustrating and makes me wonder if he might have some problems with taking tests like his dad.

*Also this week I finally got a check up at the dentist and discovered that in addition to 3 cavities, I also was in need of a root canal. But good news people, when I went to get the root canal done, they decided to just do a filling! There is still a 50% chance that I may have to go back for a root canal but I'm feeling optimistic. I felt that I needed to get in quick to get that root canal and I'm hoping the reason I felt that way was to actually prevent the need for a root canal on that tooth. Fingers crossed!

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